I’m no stranger to wearing underwear and heels in my apartment, but I don’t pretend that it’s “grinding.” It’s getting dressed and it doesn’t make me or any other woman exceptional.
I’m no stranger to wearing underwear and heels in my apartment, but I don’t pretend that it’s “grinding.” It’s getting dressed and it doesn’t make me or any other woman exceptional.
Exactly my point!
......aren’t shoes usually put on after pants, or have I been doing it wrong all this time?
Hard to say. A lot of those fall under “the only moral abortion is my own.” The exception rather than the rule. I’m certain a lot of women would be able to relate to her particular situation. Hopefully she’ll be able to return that kind of empathy.
I kinda feel like the lede got buried here, in that a supposedly advanced industrialized western nation outright bans “normal” abortions.
I am happy for the change, but depressed that "things will get marginally less shitty" is our new victory.
Ugh I am probably going to get slammed for this: But goddamn y’all are mean. He’s 52. People age. We get pissed when people say the same shit about women, why is it okay to make jokes about how he “used to be hot” or how as someone put it, said he was “frumpy”? He actually seems to be genuine and think very highly of…
Let’s call it “12 Nice Women”. One woman says she thinks the accused is guilty and, even though all the other women disagree, they all say he’s guilty because they want to avoid conflict.
I’ve served on one jury in my life (attempted murder for multiple stabbing) where the guy was insanely guilty, but there was one woman on the jury who was being totally unreasonable about needing “character witnesses” to back up the story of the victim. The guy legit got ambushed and stabbed ~15 times, and when he…
Oh wait: the New York Post reports that the juror is female.
Now that he can’t be jilled off to anymore, he’s back to being a disgusting cishet white man with opinions? Fuck if I know. Jennifer Lawrence must not have fallen down this week.
English isn’t my first language, it wasn’t my intention to make the distinction that I did. I meant to say that if it were merely a matter of the DNA then it would seem that he isn’t her child, but if she consented to the pregnancy and did not withdraw it until after the insemination had occurred already, as you have…
We would all do well to collectively remember that fact! C’mon now. It would probably be easier to accept if we didn’t spend our lives pretending it wasn’t going to happen to us.
I don’t get the snark here. He loves his wife, and appreciates her intelligence and that she shares some of his tastes.
Can blue men sing the whites?
I know you put in a kind disclaimer, but, seriously, people age (if they’re lucky). Most people follow that curve. Only the rarest among us are that attractive to start with, and only the rarest among the rarest remain so 30 years later.
This story just gets worse and worse.
I watched the clip, and he really did light up when he talked about her. It was sweet, really. He also did sound more than a little bit like Keith Richards, but okay.
Call a woman brilliant and you’re still a shit head.