
What I don’t understand is some people (many) say the same thing about being transgender. They would argue that on a biological level that a person cannot choose which gender or sex they are, that I can’t decide to be magically some other gender. They would call me a liar for saying something that seems to be at odd’s

I don’t think it is that simple. Granted I’m struggling with this like many other. I’m not sure what you mean by transgender being a “medical condition”. Is there evidence of a genetic or biological basis for identifying as a gender contrary to your genetic sex? Couldn’t you make the appropriation argument in

Not alone. But I will admit that I don’t really understand transpeople so much as accept them and think that they’re worthy of respect. (Well, as much respect as anyone else...) Which makes it very hard to say why transrace seems like bullshit while transgender isn’t without bringing biology into things.

I just wish these arguments didn’t rely so much on biology as a determinant of some conflated sense of sex and gender, or on the medicalization of trans identity as a source of legitimization. Both ideas are, at the very least, open to too much critique to be all that useful (as far as I’m concerned).

Dont listen to anybody, they are the same thing. People are just upset and trying to separate us by so called “Race” ; it is a social construct too. People use their race to define themselves and be part a group and when a person refuses to play along others cant handle it. You decide who you are. Its all about trying

Yeah, I’m pretty sure sex determination is Male = XY and Female = XX. Biologically that is all that matters for definition purposes. Gender and Race, which are the two things we are talking about, are human constructs and therefor are malleable based on the ideas of society in the present.

But that was not always the case. Some decided that was a medical condition, and someone could decide transrace is also a medical condition.

Gender is not biological, but is mostly a social construct. Not so for your biological sex. So a person who is transgender wants to be known as a different gender, but nobody thinks you can change the fact of your biological sex, except in a purely surface way with plastic surgery.

Preface: I am not trolling but rather asking, no begging, for an answer.

yeah......but I doubt this is the first time he got drunk, she had to have known this is the kind of guy he was, if she knew, why did she marry him? He is an ass, but agreeing to marrying an ass is a poor reflection on her.

Unfortunately, it seems like he’s had a lot of practice being a selfish drunk asshole.

Omg when he is on all fours and needs help to get up. I was cringing. Who WHO would marry this person. The older men did not seem impressed at all.

Exactly. My God. I don’t get women whose need to get married is bigger than the signs they are seeing since dating. You cannot change a man, you will not change a man. You don’t have to get married either. Marriage hardly works these days. Guys have a different chip than our parents and grandparents. Yet girls still

My cousin’s wedding was like that. Saddest wedding ever. She was like 8 months pregnant, missing her dead mom, crying, the douche getting drunk and dancing with his friends. Obviously the marriage imploded spectacularly. He was always an asshole.

Haha same with my boyfriend! We played Dance Dance Revolution once (the one with the Kinect that actually tracks your movements) and he got such a low score that he pouted and wouldn’t play for the rest of the night. He’s over 6’ and all arms and legs; he looks like one of those inflatable tube men.

Yeah...I mean this just shows you what kind of person he’s going to be in the future. If you can’t hold it together for your wedding and ruin it for your partner, how the fuck do you two have a chance when things get heavy?

It does seem a bit surprising because if you’re the kind of person that gets wasted like that, chances are extremely high that by the time you get to tying the knot (typically by this point you’ve known each other for at least about 1.5-2 years) your SO knows you have a propensity for getting shitfaced.

100% chance this guy is an alcoholic and she knows it but was in denile.

Not until he gets sober

If I have to sit on a seat built for a capuchin monkey, terrified to recline it lest I get stabbed, you bet I'm wearing sweats. I'd wear a toga if I had one.