
I would understand if the no-poaching agreement is applied within specific project/endeavors where the two companies were both involved or partnered for the project.

Hollywood was spot on.

It what I found by Googling is the same IMP-EXP Executive shown above then I would believe that that booth actually ran out of magazine (the green paper on the table) to give out to a point that even the sample magazine hung on those drapes were taken (that explains why the drapes appeared to be falling off)...

Aren't we all trolls given the opportunity?

This perspective and analysis is the one I'd go with for the above results. Piracy is not about taste; if it is so, I doubt it to be the top criteria.

Instead of something for the desktop, it would have been better if they came up with something for the lawn. That's so small that even up close (cam zoom) wasn't even giving anything that is visually appealing.

And it should be that way... the ultimate buyer's guide. The value of ones gadget is in the optimization and appropriateness in relation to how you're going to use it. A basic rule of thumb between need and want.

Lemmings! :) Just kidding... it's just the first thing came to mind.

Good call Sir, but not the best hand though.

I'd love to see the other piece set in Red instead of Gray.

Have anyone tried the following:

Then what you're suggesting is making policemen as fishermen rather that what it suggest - as baits. Fishes don't get hooked because they see fishermen around - oh, you know what I mean.

That's another way of looking at it.

Does the bottle comes with a "real" water container? If it does, I hope it doesn't share space with the wire.

I'd just have that zipper fixed/replaced as that ring will be a hurdle during emergencies as I'm not used to having rings in my pants. But it's cool that I got to admit.

You just gave me another reason to not bring my kid at McDonald's aside from the food.

Turn that picture upside down then I could really imagine what you're describing.

uTorrent was my first and last until now...

Well, you can look at it that way too. I'd like to see it as "the majority" for reasons that if it's just Jesus, then everybody ignores him and none of these will happen.

I've never seen such a thread with lots of comments being moved and/or users banned until now (or maybe I missed the old threads). I guess, the majority woke up on the wrong side of the bed or, worst, at the wrong house.