
Like I said, in our side of the planet, 1 police wearing a tactical suit/gear is not really considered as a tactical operation. So, he'd stand out and people would notice.

Yeah, as I've read, the place is so peaceful. I guess we can't blame them if, like what you said, they don't share our level of fear and/or paranoia.

I'm not very familiar with the place, but it's already 3 in the afternoon and yet the number of people within the surrounding streets and/or establishments is rather few. So, my point is, if I saw a man wearing something like that (even without knowing that he left a van somewhere), I suppose I should be suspicious,

Down at the other geek site, only VirtualBox was reported to have "luck" in accommodating Windows 8. The rest failed. Guess you ran out of luck for now.

Now I know why I heard this news late... I'm not on Twitter. Sad.

Super!!! Great job all!

Thanks for pointing that out. I was way too excited about his story and missed how the tracking started. I did go over to Prey's site and learned that as well.

Just curious - hopefully I'm not threading on troll land here - does Prey server tracks and/or keeps your laptop information/location all the time as long as Prey is running on your laptop? Or tracking is activated manually (as needed) as soon as you trigger it by logging in to Prey's website/console?

What you'll do after stealing someone's laptop is something that thief in the above story will never do. They're kids, so if they steal something it's mostly for them to use it and/or at the most sell it if they'd really want to profit from it.

As you've mentioned, "Its going to create a rush of air into the vacuum thus providing a fresh flow of oxygen to the flames." That's what had happened at 00:08 in the video.

Ditto. If he did that over burning chunks of wood or coal, that vacuum bag will be like a grill holding charred coals while the vacuum continuously feed oxygen to keep it burning inside.

That's because the fire's temperature was not that hot enough to melt the cord's insulation. Also, looking at where the fire is, cement, I could safely assume that the fire is burning gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, or any flammable in liquid form. These fuels have high evaporation rate, thus heat is not

For a country of approximately 45Km x 25Km in size plus the fact that the country is really booming, I'm not surprised why Singapore is in the list albeit their strict brand new automobile purchase policy (you need a buyers permit to buy a new car, which is almost equivalent to the price of your desired new car).

Looking at that Mac Book Air's edge, surely had help from a sharpener stone...

This tip really made me smile... I've known this and been doing this since my grade school years (80s). Great tip indeed.

Totally... I totally miss my Tab key as it has been long condemned after my 2yr old kid dislodged it and lost the pin... Now, I'm too tired using my laptop as I can't find a single key replacement and it's not worth replacing the entire keyboard as I'm the only user at home that goes beyond internet.

People should try Ctrl + Home/End too...

In my work nowadays, the most used keyboard shortcut I use aside from Ctrl+F is Ctrl+H

Let down?! Crazy. As a volunteer rescuer my self back in my college days, I'd rather over-estimate a potential disaster and prepare for it, than under-estimating it and end up at the short end of the stick.

As per author's advice, I Google'd the author's name.... She's young... Her LinkedIn profile shows that she's a college freshman student in the 2006. Suma Cum Laude (ewww :P) bet she omitted this info in her OkCupid profile as well.