
@BobotheTeddy: Well, you can save your own and have your device automatically connect to it.

Amazing! and patience is indeed a virtue... love the lead shot and the paparazzi is totally crazy :)

I have to admit that I laughed seeing that solution for MacBooks - I mean my company uses Dell laptops, so that would explain why we go for Dell and not with other brands.

I may not be accurate on this but is Chrome now the benchmark for all Internet Browsers? (I've met Chrome before I flirted with Opera, so maybe that's the reason why I'm biased with Chrome).


offtopic: but the lead image reminds me a lot of Ninjump :)

@GabrielLuis: Geez! My typing needs more memory.

@NanorH: By then your comments will posted before you typed it. Worst of it all, before you could click on that edit button, you we already lost that star, hash tagged under #leprechaun and trying to catch with all 1000 replies.

@Xagest: Awesome! Now all I need is a brain to ensure I remember my algorithm. :)

@kristaps.beitiks: With that speed and you only ranked your ISP 3 stars - I could only say that your one hard to please.

@Jory: That's better than cutting the entire tree down. I'll just have to look at it as a "bonsai trimming" method - the tree needed a haircut.

@bobdowns: and the rule applies to "I couldn't agree more"?

Can't imagine how much blood my nose have to endure playing that thing as I have a bucketful just trying to understand what I've just read. Must eat more peanuts. Interesting though.

I wonder what that girl is wearing (can't play the video - office rules :P) coz with that thing on your head it would be very difficult to find something to wear that matches it - unless you're wearing sweats all the time (I'm not even sure if sweats will work with that thing).

@Movado: Stick with the cars dude and show some respect. Is not called for. And by the way, the proper name is Dish-dash-ah or Thoub.

@Octomac: For Mustang alone - you have my vote! Good for you mate...

This cup would definitely give out a good laugh with friends if served from behind just to see how'd the person would react if his/her coffee is served in that manner ;) It's a good cabinet/kitchen ornament too...

@Chernobyl: I never realized that I was bordering on being creepy - to you at the least. I guess that emoticon at the end my comment was not good enough to ensure that it was just pure clean fun - an ice breaker I was hoping it would.

If this thing has an endless supply of ink and I only get to pay for it once, then I'd be drooling all over it from Sam's illustration, first image posted in Giz up to the first actual device displayed at the stores.