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    It excludes the Unlimited One 2 for $100 plan though, which is what I have. I also pay Netflix $9.99/mo. So, T-Mo wants me to switch to the Unlimited One 2 for $120 plan to get Netflix “on us.” Ha nice try T-Mo.

    I just came back from a long weekend trip where I traveled and had to eat out every day :( I’ll try this for the rest of September though!

    Why would you ever use a debit card? If your debit card was compromised in this attack, they could have access to your funds in your checking account. Credit cards also have better fraud protection policies and it’s easier to deal with an attack like this.

    If you think you’re getting an RS for anywhere close to $35K, good luck with that. I’m sure you’ll see dealer markups (much like the GT350/R), being limited production. Same for the BMW - unless you custom order, you’re going to be looking well north of the asking $51k.

    Not sure what you're talking about, but the P85 is plenty fast! It still has the torque available instantly, just not as much as the P85D (obv.)