
I can't help but feeling we doing go very far this season.
Rob Stark is still fighting the Lannisters, Arya is still trying to get
home. Sansa is still trapped in King's Landing. Dany is still trying to
build an army. Jon Snow has gone from being stuck on the Wall to being stuck behind the Wall. Joffrey is still the

Great first draft. Why don't you go ahead and turn up the sanctimony a few notches and resubmit it.

I know The Daily Show has bigger fish to fry, but I would love to see them double down on this and call Donohue's bluff. The Catholic League doesn't even exist. It's just Bill Donohue firing off press releases. I'd love to see TDS come out and say, "You and what army?" after this Tweet: [twitter.com]#!/CatholicLeague/s

What about the snakes?

Heck yeah, let's kill some teenagers!!

Ahhh, Adele, the Whole Foods of pop music. Never underestimate a carefully-orchestrated appeal to authenticity.

No love for The Artist is Present: The Game?

I'm not surprised Bon Iver was nominated. The Grammys love easy listening.

I used to work graveyard and my wife work days. When I got home, I would take the baby to daycare, go home and sleep, get up, then pick her up.

Why the heck wasn't she in the movie? She could have been like Stacey Pilgrim.

Is this a sequel to Monster Squad?

What I don't understand, Ms. Bachmann, is why Merck would produce a vaccine that could be harmful to children. This goes against everything the Tea Party has told me about capitalism and the lack of need for regulations.

I would like to have heard a follow up question about her running for president as a Christian and wearing pearls, both of which she was doing last night and both of which are forbidden in the Bible.

Give credit where credit is due. That truffle shuffle kid was responsible for like 60% of the tweets.

"You know, it irks me when a white artist appropriates a piece of black culture and becomes more successful than any black artist ever has. "

I'm pretty sure she becomes Boba Fett.

I love Maddow, but I have to laugh whenever she brings Meghan McCain on and tries to pass her off as a prominent member of the Republican party.

Sports photo of the year?

Bad job by Cooper.