
Pamela Anderson called it quits with her fourth husband this week”

“New York’s hottest secret couple is Hadrick. It’s got everything: a man impersonating a tauntaun...”

Demi Lovato held “a funeral for my pop music.” Unclear on what that means and not sure we want to know.

Not to mention having to mount GoPros all over the exterior beforehand lol

If I had to make a guess, he bought this old plane for cheap because it was due for a lot of maintenance/work in the near future. So he decided to use it to make money off a “I survived a plane crash” video.

Social media was a mistake.

The Madonna movie is going to be absolutely insufferable if Madge is running the show. She’s a master entertainer and nothing if not iconic, but she’s too self-absorbed to make a movie about herself that the general public will enjoy.

Send out checks to everyone—more money supply—so there’s less value. And we get inflation—only an idiot couldn’t see that effect coming.

God he has been an even bigger disappointment than I anticipated. 

Middle school shit except they have huge audiences and way too much money so it devolves into potential legal battles.

Streamers getting news coverage at all just shows you how fucking lame the world has gotten.

I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.

I find myself feeling this way about most news at this point. I think I will soon be a nihilist. 

One look at those stupid wheels and immediate NO DICE! Didn’t read a word about it. Tells me all I need to know about the owner. Way to fuck up a beautiful car, ya dumb ass. Sheesh!

I won’t even pay them the courtesy of looking at it until the red is gone and the water bottle/mask is out of the car. ND

angry jeep eyes are dumb. about 30% of the jeeps in my area have the angry eyes grill kit and punisher logos. it’s like playing “spot the racist!”

I’m not a Pete Davidson fan, but I think it's pretty messed up to call someone who lost their dad at a young age on 9/11 "lucky in life."

I should’ve stopped reading the first time Erin offered excuses for criminal behavior. But I kept reading and found more of it.

I’m pretty sure this whole video and setup is also fake lol.

not surprised by the breakup news. 16 years is together is hardly a failure. also the dude supposedly cheated a lot or they had an open marriage. idk is lisa bonet still antivax.