They sound like the burns hot and fast couple that is pretty fucking exhausting to be around. Nobody is surprised and everyone is relieved when it flames out.
They sound like the burns hot and fast couple that is pretty fucking exhausting to be around. Nobody is surprised and everyone is relieved when it flames out.
The 6 cyclists’ attorneys have a good write-up about the accident and how they’re proceeding.
At this point we can confirm there are some connections, but have yet to see evidence of a city official directing the officer on the scene as to how to handle this particular situation.
Or the “F-150 for Life” plan.
The root of the problem is that too many people, young and old just don’t understand money, savings, and investment. As a result, many decisions are poor and counterproductive.
Adam Devine was in the Pitch Perfect movies and can sing.
Ben Affleck is usually just fine. Like Mark Wahlberg is usually just fine. A List, show-up, spout lines, support a bigger budget than the film might otherwise garner with a lesser (though probably more capable) lead. He’s had some acting moments. But I just tried to watch “Live by Night.” What a slog. I couldn’t…
And if you needed “credit building” maybe your budget shouldn’t be $60,000!
Thinking about the circumstances that led to these abandoned cars is quite sad. Could be the owners traveled alone and died at their destination with no next of kin to be found.
Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.
This should be the top comment. Many streamers are making most of their money off of Twitch, whether via direct donations, patreon, Onlyfans, or sponsorships. Obviously sponsor-unfriendly “hot tub” content wouldn’t make much money from ads via Twitch.
These figures are missing a lot of information. A bunch of different revenue streams are missing from my understanding. Not to mention “hot tub streamers” drive traffic off Twitch’s platform and generate the majority of their revenue from other platforms like Onlyfans.
Idk about anyone else but I get a cringy Kyle Rittenhouse-y vibe from this entire story. NOT good.
“I make my own decisions.”
My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.
“Throwing blood and urine into the audience isn’t enough. You guys gotta learn to play something.” One of Butthead’s best lines.
GWAR is the only band that should ever be booked for Superbowl halftime shows.
Also dealers: Why don’t people want to buy from dealers?
And also everyone immediately thinks the use-case of the Tesla semi will be the trucks we see on the interstate. Maybe some, but the real game changer will be those truck-adaptations in city use, or logging use, tow trucks, local deliveries, etc.