
She definitely needs Thoughts and Prayers or T&P for short.  Also it looks like where this video is being taken she will also need TP soon...

I don’t know why I believe that the Kimye stuff was just that, two rich ass adults deciding not to be married anymore.

So much this,

Where is the push to remove OJ Simpson from the Naked Gun Movies? With all the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard drama what about them?  Those movies and TV were a product of their time, leave them be.

Wanna split the costs?

I’m torn on the Kardashian gift,

When Jimmy Fallon did the reunion bit and that joke came up her face was priceless.

No Dice,

99% were doing the right thing but ANTIFA...

How much NOS was involved?

Because then all they have to brag about to people is not owning a TV or telling the person on their landline call that they want a letter and not an email because they don’t know the computer.


More qualified given the number of lawyers she’s dealt with during her divorces!


Get ready to be called out for not being woke.


Fuck you Jonesy, give your balls a tug!

Maybe ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ would have worked better?


Yep, it only got worse with the muffler.