She is complicit. I do not feel sorry for her in the least.
She is complicit. I do not feel sorry for her in the least.
Hey one of the bridesmaids told a touching tale of when she and bride were kids. You know Adele has gotta one up that shit!
As a long time Jim Rome fan and always giving credit to ‘The XR4Ti Crew’ this is a NP.
I’ll say it,
I feel like this is a huge step for HGTV or at least House Hunters.
Okay, so it isn’t just me. There is nothing about the car that screams CP to me other than a feeling of “15 years, 100k+ miles shouldn’t be $9k”
It’s Shenanigans right?!
If it helps in anyway (also a Broncos fan) as a CO transplant who went to high school with Kyle Shanahan it gives me more than a bit of schadenfreude watching him get to, and lose the big one twice.
I’ll say it,
If anyone thinks the DNC is going to support Bernie and not make a backroom deal for Biden to get the nod I’ve got a bridge to sell you or a natural spring in death valley if you are interested in real estate.
Did at least 3 party goers clutch their pearls? Also did one guest utter that they felt the show was ‘too ethnic’?
You also forget that the whole MAGA crowd is gonna have a field day with the amount of Spanish spoken during ‘Their ‘Murican Sewpeer Boawl!
So we all can agree that the fringe fan of any car type/brand is going to be a complete douchebag.
This this this this.
Posted hoping for this, wasn’t disappointed!
I’m here about the GMC Sierra for sale.
The pilot and then potentially attempt by extension the Bryant family/estate/organization.
I agree, they will go ‘after’ the deceased pilot and company then as someone else pointed out very subtly point out the ‘influence’ that the pilot could have operated under.
Which I’m guessing will be the contention by the pilot/helicopter owners legal team.