
You forgot to mention the latest Lions indignity, when the Colts had the opportunity to reclaim bonus money to their generational offensive talent who retired unexpectedly they said “Keep it, thank you for everything!” If that pill popping fail-son can do the right thing, why can’t my team.

Neutral: Stop judging executives so harshly on quarterly results. Start looking at annual and longer performance windows instead, then adjusting their compensation accordingly — including holdbacks for certain long-term goals.

Let’s call a spade a spade. Most of this is California being it’s typical self aggrandizing self. The automakers had to legally comply with California regs anyways. The Trump administration would have to first find a way to reverse that.

They need to bring back Indycar to Cleveland. That track at Burke Lakefront Airport was awesome as hell.

Wow... that’s five minutes of my life I’ll never get back. 

I just assume the Theranos lady is at it again

Jokes aside, as a lifelong Steeler fan who rarely misses a game, I firmly believe that this hit is the direct cause of AB going from ‘entertaining and fun’ to ‘insane lunatic’. He was never the same guy after this game/hit. Take it for what you will.

Maybe in theory, but they also tend to be fairly reliable despite the complexity. The brakes last forever due to regen braking. Transmission and ICE engines tend to be under low stress due to the torque of the electric engines helping out. Electric drivetrain components are fairly simple.  A lot of old Prius and

I’m sure there’s an obvious reason why this can’t/ won’t happen.... why doesnt a current certified-helmet maker just make him a clone of that helmet?

I really have been surprised at the push for touchscreen controls that require a driver to take attention away from the road in order to operate them.

I hate I hate I hate touchscreen controls! Of any kind!

Seems like everyone involved was grossly unprepared and untrained for a completely forseeable problem. On both sides. But I would have to fault the track workers moreso. You've got to maintain professionalism in the face of a bit of bad attitude. 

You could just have written about the confrontation but at the end you took things further and peppered in some practical advice on how to modify the vehicle to prevent this. The extra effort you put in is noticed and appreciated.

Shocking. I always figured guys who bought Dodge Demons were totally zen and would only go to tracks after journaling their feelings and embracing their inner children, and then only to help others there self-actualize their potential. This comes as a great surprise.

You’re going to catch a lot of shit for this comment. Rational thought and discussion have no place here.

Where I live there is a seasonal population variance of at least 25%, so maybe 100,000 people. Residents are happy to think that Ring will watch over the place while they’re up north. Many evenings the local news shows someone who broke the law and was seen on Ring. Concerns about privacy are easily brushed aside by

So what was the point of this article? To tell us Trump is doing a good job at his job? Thank you! I’m sure he’d appreciate that considering how many clueless, ignorant writers on the internet are doing just the opposite. So did you learn anything from your writings? Like WHY Trump gave the okay on this terrible

“So if you’re not happy with your town joining these agreements”

George Orwell called... wants his surveillance-state dystopian future back...

India doesn’t have a water problem. It has had a gigantic population growth problem In the next 20 years they are on course to add a full USA sized population. An entire USA of water users, food eaters, charcoal burners, human waste producers. And insufficient industrial capacity to keep up.