Happy birthday to The Artist Formally Known As Unregistered Guy Named Eric!
Happy birthday to The Artist Formally Known As Unregistered Guy Named Eric!
I've been obsessed with this soundtrack lately; it really captures a mood and a feel I've often striven for in my own music, though I tend to come at it from a more rock n' roll starting point. Beautiful stuff.
You know, listening to people who are beamingly happy and smugly confident that the oncoming apocalypse they helped create is going to be awesome, and we special-snowflake liberals are going to have to eat our words once we see the unbelievably prosperous golden age Trump is going to bring about, it almost makes me…
Here's what concerns me about the ridiculous outcry from the right in the wake of Meryl Streep's acceptance speech: nobody, not a single person, is defending Trump. They all seem to take it for granted that they don't have to, that it's a sin against America to criticize Trump for anything, regardless of whether it's…
Absolutely. In fact, the less literal the translation is, the better the dub tends to be. One reason why I'll always reach for Baccano! as the greatest anime dub of all time: it goes for natural-sounding sentences that approximate the original dialog, which encourages more nuanced deliveries.
Actually, Japanese animation is almost always done before the voices are recorded, so Animes are essentially dubbed from the start. Obviously the animation is originally intended to fit Japanese words, but not the specific deliveries the Japanese voice actors will give.
I don't keep up with a lot of current stuff, but Saga really won me back. It was getting to be a bit of a slog; never bad, but very slowly paced, and a serious downer. It got back to the good stuff in a big way, and I'm really excited again to see where it's all headed.
Is that the official term for when someone posts something I've already posted? I approve, but everybody else needs one too. Bongoebashed, Narratornabbed, some third more clever thing, etc.
My favorite album of 2016 was High by Royal Headache, a band I didn't know existed until four days ago.
Well, everything sucks, and we're all doomed, but here are two really good rock n' roll songs:
Wow, we went from zero to "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" in less than half an hour.
There are moments, in the life of every human being, when they encounter something so transcendentally funny, that it divides their life into a "Before" and an "After".
I decided I would wait until they aired properly to watch that new Stevenbomb.
Oh yeah, it's a given starting point for everyone else's hatred of Trump, my point was that it takes on a special significance coming from Springsteen.
In Marvel comic books, Captain America is described as having an almost supernatural connection with the American people at large. He's like the avatar and embodiment of the whole country, and whatever the people go through, he goes through. I always thought the closest thing to that that we had in real life was Bruce…
I prefer the karaoke option that appears in a different show on this list for "Don't Start Unbelieving".
Well, for one, there was no mystery. Every time one thing was introduced, it was resolved within ten minutes. There was never a sense of some particular grand, complex puzzle that Sherlock had to parse out, just a sort of arbitrary series of small ones. Give me a one-sentence premise for the episode other than "A…
Reminds me of my favorite movie tagline of last year, for the otherwise mediocre-looking Central Intelligence starring Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart as secret agents: "To save the world, you need a little Hart, and a big Johnson."
Also, a forewarning: a lot of these take a while to rev up and get to their more ambitious material. The same could be said, of course, for most TV shows, but it makes people suspicious in children's shows since they have historically been so static (For example, the first episode of Spongebob is exactly like the…
Mathematical(You'll get that later)! If you end up watching any of those, and you think of it, reply back here; I'd love to hear what you and LJo1 Jr. think of them.