Oh, now, that's not fair. That's not fair.
Oh, now, that's not fair. That's not fair.
Ahh, gotcha.
I know that Pen Ward once said that his mom didn't like to watch cartoons because she felt the voices were all too shrill, which contributed to his choice to keep the voice acting on Adventure Time a bit more mellow. It seems like a lot of other creators have followed suit.
As I recall, Wander Over Yonder had a lot of really great scream-based humor.
Happy Christmas eve, CZ. I probably won't have much time to comment tomorrow, so I wanted to take the time now to say how much you guys have meant to me this year, especially over the past few weeks. The world lost its fucking mind, or at least that's how it often seems when I wake up, and hear the latest news about…
For some reason, the drumming on Bob Dylan's cover of "Must Be Santa" is insane: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
That emoticon is too accurate for my peace of mind.
Hey, maybe I'll get lucky and Trump's America will have totally privatized healthcare I won't be able to afford, and I'll die in my sixties. I was assuming that with another eighty years of medical advances people would be living to 110 all over the place, but I guess that's probably out the window.
Great Britain shooting itself in the face.
The Philippines electing a man who is now over 3,000 deaths into a genocide masked as a war on drugs.
The shooting in Orlando.
All the shootings of police
All the shootings done by police.
Brock Turner getting out of jail after three months for good behavior and good swimming…
I have finished Baccano! and I wanted to watch another show as fun as Baccano! but there are no other shows as fun as Baccanno! so I'm just sad there is no more Baccano!
(It is large, it contains multitudes.)
Come on, man. We've got to believe in something. We got to believe that one of us made the leap to being a genuine intellectual.
Dear Silence,
Please stop being so awesome-looking. You're bringing Narrator down to our level, and it's worrying me. Sincerely, Pumpkinhead.
Aaaaaand I'm back! I return from my brief disqus sabbatical, just in time for my advent calendar write-up! Here are my thoughts, my long, obsessive, hyperbolic, mildly disjointed thoughts, on "Holly Jolly Secrets", Adventure Time's first Christmas special from 2011. Enjoy, CZ. It's good to be home.
Mmmmmmmm yeah.
Brad Jones' review of that movie was gold; he was so tangibly disgusted by the entire enterprise. It sounds like a bafflingly awful movie.
Rachel Bloom didn't make the AV Club's "Best TV Performances of the Year" list. Be mad with me about that.
Are you serious with Rachel Bloom not being on this list?
Same. Probably the most well-respected thing I'm actively looking forward to getting more of is Fargo.