Tim Foley

Well, in universe, it's obviously the Scarecrow.

I agree with you, except for Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On A Serious Earth. But pretty much every character in that book is scary in some way, so it's not too much of an achievement relatively speaking.

I did one, only I replaced Edward with Christian Grey and Bella with Ana Steele. I am now one of the most successful authors in the history of print.

Simon Petrikov, anyone?

As the show is over (And was never regularly reviewed here anyway), is this article a good enough excuse to have a thread on favorite Doofenshmirtz moments?
My top three:
"Ah, water. It's like drinking wet air!"
"You've finally made an inator that actually works? "Hey, all of my inators work. It's just that, you know, I,

See, this is why Trump specifies that Mexicans are the bad guys! That way, we know which people are honest, self-made Americans who deserve the security possession of a firearm can bring, and which are the dirty foreign drug-peddling rapists who shouldn't even be in this country, let alone be allowed to own a gun.

My band played it's first show with our new lead guitarist. We did a
forty minute opening set for The Southern Gothic, the longest we've ever
played. It was a fun night, although watching some footage later, I
realized that the aforementioned guitarist desperately needs an
overdrive pedal. Aside from that though, it

"I want all kinds of chocolate in my peanut butter and sometimes I want gummy bears."
I will be using this phrase in everyday conversation as often as possible.

The fans can be really obnoxious. I love that second album as much as I love any piece of art, but the vitriol some people have when confronted by anyone with a different sensibility is terrible.

Normally my taste is almost pathetically in line with whatever elitist snobs think is great (I shook my head sadly at almost every answer in the Q&A), but I have one exception: Frank Zappa. I know the music is innovative, and beautifully intricate, but for me it's just annoying, and the lyrics are clearly written by

William Alexander? Is that you?

Settle down, now. Let's paint some happy little clouds.

Fair enough. I'm just saying that it wasn't an idea he injected into the album, he was just going along with Shatner's ideas.

Whether that's true or not, it is a fact that he was not the main creative force behind that track. Shatner was.

He explains the story behind that on one of his spoken word thingies: that was something Shatner was already working on when he asked Rollins to come in.

Well, since we got so much of the former, the latter was an excellent change of pace.

Okay, the sunlight thing was dumb. But again, the aliens were desperate; we might have been the first life-supporting planet they came across. Picture it from their perspective: they're a technologically advanced but physically weak race, whose last-ditch attempt to survive after using up their planet (Which, again,

This was Bill's finest hour to date. He always walked that near-impossible line between over-the-top and creepy, but here he was truly terrifying. It's all in the little moments: the barren landscape in Ford's dream, the crazed laughter, the various iterations of his design making him into an icon of ancient horror,

How do we know that the race from Signs had any prior knowledge of water? If it's poisonous to them, then clearly they are not biologically derived from it; they may have come from an entirely water-free planet. Again, they don't stick around. They send a handful of scouts, then they start their full invasion, and

Conversation Parade is the Adventure Time podcast I was always looking for. Not a "Let's name our top seven video game references" podcast, not a "Seriously, I know it's like totally random and everything, but trust me, it's way cool!" podcast, but a couple of intellectuals with a sharp sense of humor, giving the show