Timmy - MINI With a Big Blower

He owes himself a 10 second car.

Fuck i really hope this isnt true

Still a busta.

This website indicates this is a hoax.

No fucking way. I sincerely hope that's not true.

Are you kidding, this would be my take everything to the everywhere vehicle.

I would definitely snort at least three whole marijuanas before going to see it.

I always like descriptions that aren't that descriptive. There should be more of them, just to spice up the news a little.

They were just doing burnouts in the C7 Z06

R&D testing accident?

Pontiac is a lot like the Aztecs. They're all gone and no one quite knows why.

I see what you did there....MooseKnuckles. Man, you got a lot of euphemisms in the same post, didn'tcha?

Come on, this is easy

I'll take three..

Seconded. Anybody else? Raise virtual hands for the editor to see..

Letter of the week.