
He already had two bowls of Skyline Chili, how many more runs do you expect him to do?

Russell Ready to Use his Muscle

Glad that they were able to pull Peter King away from his 3rd bowl of skyline to read along

I ordered the BBQ Cheeseburger from Burger King a couple weeks ago after work. I got home and unwrapped it, only to see that they didn't put any onion rings on my burger. I ate Beef Ramen that night for dinner and 100% confident that I made the best choice.

Manhunt was immediately the first game I thought of, I was around 14 and I was so excited to get the game from reading all of the previews in the magazines. I walk to the store to buy it (they didn't care about mature rating back in those days) and immediately turned the lights off to play it. After the very first

Yup in the US. Like most US movie concepts, high school stuff is slightly over exaggerated to incite feelings, but they're based on realistic situations.

What can I say? I got caught up in the popularity contest and if people found out you were poor, it was like a scarlet letter. Looking back on it I laugh and wonder how I could have been so stupid, but back then, being the popular kid was all that mattered. And I fought like hell to make sure that the boxes on top

Completely agree, I used to always give my mom crap when I was a kid and she came home with generic cereal. We were a poor family but lived in a rich school district so it was 'uncool' if you ate generic cereal.

When I moved out and started buying my own cereal, I called my mom and apologized for the years of crap I

Bought this game during a PS3 sale, and blew away all of my expectations. But that treetops section.....

You Four Brothers make some pretty witty comments

I raised an eyebrow at that as well. Maybe EA has some cockamamie study that they give to all of their developers that "say 60% of the time, consumers buy DLC 100% of the time."

I've wanted to buy Ni No Kuni for the longest time, but everytime I get close I tell myself to just wait another month and it will be on PS+. The willpower is starting to break. Hoping that June will bring the awesome news.

I've been saving up an absurd amount of credit from Google Survey Rewards for a moment such as this. I'm already planning on taking screenshots of my squad members who actually die to make a memorial for them (I know this could be done on PC, but I don't have a serviceable PC to game with, get off my back Master

Still commenting with no internet? You sir, are insane. I look forward to your internet-less reply.

Glad you remembered my post! I did read that article, can't remember the website, but I do remember that he was a mage and he just couldn't figure out a way to beat them. At first I did pity him, because egos aside, we're all gamers and there's not many feelings worse than running into a challenge that we feel can't

DS2 taught me alot mentally about perseverance. At the time when I bought DS2 I feared failure to the point of not trying things because I hated that feeling of knowing I failed. I still have DS in my backlog that I want to finish, but at the time of its release, the thought of constantly dying made me ignore it.

I always listen to Video Game Sountracks at work, something about them just help me focus. I always try to find a new sountrack to listen to, but when it's time to really get stuff done, it's time to turn on a Final Fantasy soundtrack.

I have that exact same issue too. Dragon Age, Dark Souls, and Bioshock Infinite just to name a few have all been started and at least halfway completed, but then I'll stop playing because if I finish it then it's over.

The Creativity of ANGELINA