
If you think a corporation projects women to earn $23.6 million, and the men to earn $21 million, to make the women “feel better about themselves,” then you have no clue how corporations function, or what a budgeting process is for.

Please stop commenting about labor and employment law until you know the basics of how

Har, good one! Seriously, very funny, guy.

“Hillary 2016: Who the Hell Else You Gonna Vote For?”

This is the same message a guy went viral for posting about yesterday via Vox, so Hillary’s social people are just repackaging his message. It’s this bullshit message that “incrementalism” is better than being a purist. Which is a great message for old people to shill to kids, but it’s also the problem with a

This seems to highlight why I quit voting.

I’m not saying that isn’t the case. Just having insurance doesn’t save you from going bankrupt over out of pocket medical expenses, the ACA was mostly a sop to the insurance companies and didn’t change much as far as that’s concerned. But, of course, single payer insurance would never work, even though it has worked

“socially liberal (despite a few concessions here and there),”

Are we going to allow two different Clintons to claim they are socially liberal based on the Family leave act? You can talk about overemphasizing sound bites, but her soundbites are -awful-. The Reagan speech being the nadir. If she had more substance in

In the 2000 election, 200k Floridians registered as Democrats voted for George W Bush. 97k Floridians of any affiliation voted for the Green Party.

Not all, just the ones who can’t understand a person’s unwillingness to vote for someone with whom they strongly disagree. And the ones who don’t realize that a President Clinton would be at least as likely to adopt the kind of foreign policy that would lead to a draft (i.e. invading our way to peace) as a President

Now playing

Actually, on most of the important stuff, there still isn’t a difference.

Both parties advance a neoliberal economic, social and foreign policy.

The rest is rhetoric. Trump isn’t really going to build a wall or ban muslims anymore than Hillary is going to fight for a $15 minimum wage or break up the big banks.

You'll eat your political gruel and you'll like it, proles.

This is a crappy argument. One that the GOP voters are ignoring, too. For years we’ve been told to “be practical” and “don’t throw away your vote”. I’m sick and tired of it because “being practical” means continuing to do half-measures or nothing at all.

We have a Congress that has gone to extreme right. Putting

I'll gladly vote for Hillary if she can spit/swat her gum.

Yes, we all understood it as such. And it isn’t any more persuasive coming from Hillary than it is from her rockhead supporters in internet comment sections

There should be a draft. Maybe the prospect of handing her grandkid a rifle and sending them to a third world shithole because REGIME CHANGE would tone down her war piggishness.

Forget the Military-Industrial Complex! Give me the Perfect-Plex!

She is absolutely saying you can vote for someone who eagerly and submissively negotiates with corporations (the Democrat), or someone who literally is the corporations (the Republicans). And if you’re broke, you better choose the former.


When people use the word “folks” to describe some group of people to which they don’t belong it is the most transparently phony, politician sounding bullshit in the entire world. Folks is the worst word in the english language

Hillary’s new slogan options: