
Success in the CFL hardly constitutes a worthy NFL career. Reference Doug Flutie. Kap is learning the hard way the art of picking your battles wisely. The NFL is a machine, a wrong, morally inept machine that can amd will destroy a person if they go against it. Ity is what it is and it looks like he will probably

Bitch got shot on the way in and is gonna sue. Props to her for hiding it all til the 8th inning.

He forgot to add garlic

Oral Roberts was a favorite at the bathhouses of yore

Why I never...Stop it. I never...

first he gonna shit, then he gonna kill us

you forgot bigoted, sheesh if you are going to scream the same rhetoric into the echo chamber at every turn , at least include them all, lest you seem uncommitted.

So was Red

Hugh Jorgen

I don’t think Umass or Tennesee would agree. When Calipari leaves Kentucky, and he will, they will miraculously have an NCAA investigation, right after he leaves and will be sanctioned. It’s the calipari way.

and the smell!!

Oh Aaron, really? From all of us out in the “real world”, take your punishment Man! 40 years of enjoying the stuff, and the worst I ever did was fall asleep on the couch and eat the WHOLE bag of M&Ms. Chill dude, oh wait that’s right. chillin makes you a villain. Douche extraordinaire.

Don’t you mean aboot?

Kennard made a few decent shots down the stretch but Kennard must have heard Vitale creaming his jeans, and decided  that this was going to be his moment. Went to the tank too many times and the Cuse defended it well. Defense Baby. Plus the Banks were open at 9:00 last night in Syracuse ;)

had to mute him