Guaranteed you enjoy some stuff that I and others would find fencepost dumb.
There. There’s the attention you’ve been trolling for. The sacrifice to the edgelord godz has been made.
Guaranteed you enjoy some stuff that I and others would find fencepost dumb.
There. There’s the attention you’ve been trolling for. The sacrifice to the edgelord godz has been made.
The tone of this article is weirdly critical of someone making money at his job. People sub and donate, not sure if you know this but nobody is forced to.
This dude has no obligation to be this transparent. This dude has no obligation to pay his team at the level he does, or to make charitable donations, or to go out of his way to discourage excessive subscriptions and undercut performative donations from his fans. He says things like “I’m happy to pay my taxes...I’m…
Yet they still have the audacity to write this headline about the Simpsons:
Same, enjoyed the first half of the first season, slogged through season 2, and noped out one episode into season 3. Good riddance.
I generally enjoyed it at first, but as you said it got worse by the end of the first season. Then there was a gap til the second season and I decided nahh I’m good.
Exactly. I don't think they watch the films they nominate. At least not these days. They just go with the general consensus and the most obvious choices.
Do you really think the Razzies (and, likely, most of the people attacking the role/film) actually watched it?
It works on multiple levels, literally the only way it didn’t work is when the internet decided to instantly overreact to it and insist on reading meaning into it that wasn’t there. as you note, Darcy immediately lampshaded it, which should have been a clear indication that we didn’t need to run rampant with our…
I thought it was a pretty great “you people are spending so much time overthinking this stuff instead of enjoying the show” moment
How was it too clever by half? The whole point was to get the audience in the same headspace as Wanda. Clearly this wasn't her brother...but she (and the audience) wanted it to be.
Addams Family Values, Hot Shots Part Deux
You absolutely should like Hamilton (if you want to, if you enjoy that kind of thing) and you should not let psychopathic do-nothings on the internet ruin something that is good for you. What’s funny is that when Hamilton first came out the shrieking of racists about how wrong it was to cast Washington et;al as…
shocked to see how high this ranked i thought this was the worst episode in like 2 years.
Luke Skywaler
You could have just said that exactly as you did just now (and as other people were able to say more succinctly than that) and it wouldn't have made people think you're an idiot, followed by them thinking you're a twat.
It doesn’t say that at all. Read it again.
This article blows. Seriously? Guy points out that it’s a with-or-against culture, doesn’t mention anybody, and you throw J.K. Rowling in, saying-not-saying that he probably-did-but-he-didn’t he was referring to that?
It’s also in an interview so someone was actually asking him a question, it’s not John Cleese offering a bad take no one asked for on Twitter.
With the caveat that I have not read Mr. Beans’ statement in full, I have to say the parts quoted in this article sound like really good points. And then this article sounds like a perfect example of what he is talking about. Maybe the author of this article meant it to be like a meta ironic commentary? Like what bean…