I think the comic book made Buffy into a bi-curious hero. And that was the same issue where Dawn became a horse and Xander's girlfriend died. So truly crappy stuff.
I think the comic book made Buffy into a bi-curious hero. And that was the same issue where Dawn became a horse and Xander's girlfriend died. So truly crappy stuff.
I confused that with Luke & Lorelai which just kept with coffee.
And they did it by making him a dork. The dancing Angel at the party was the first sign (especially as it explained that he was all broody and stand-offish because he didn't want to look like a complete idiot) and then the show just kept adding them on including the Barry Manilow fandom and the Las Vegas episode.
I didn't like Angel until he got his own series and got to go beyond the Boring Good Guy/Fun Bad Guy trap.
I half expected the Joss to re-write the ending to Much Ado About Nothing with an invasion where everyone died before they could get married.
It kind of worked in season 6 when he was a symptom of Buffy's bone chilling depression.
Buffy & Angel always seemed more like a Ross & Rachel/Ted & Robin thing where it worked at first but got real old.
His soul is wandering the woods of North Carolina.
He thinks pregnant women are sexy. That's cool.
I suspect that Malaysians think that Jews are mythical creatures who live under bridges and lure away blondes.
And now Ms. Marvel is a Muslim and really cool.
I saw them filming the ambulance scene and I am actually relieved to find out that Diamondback was intentionally quoting The Warriors instead of just saying it becuase the screenwriter got tired.
I had that feeling when I read a book from my elementary school library called The Iliad - For Kids. The poetry was translated into prose but there was a lot of death.
I thought that Steve Ditko would be the villain. He could be called The Objectivist!!!
I thought Peyton Manning was also going to be on hand to tell some rape jokes - or recount his career. Same thing.
I bet it's PAul Walker. That bitch never showed up to set.
Oh please please please let The Great Wall be exactly like this movie. That way Matt Damon's entire role will be as the guy screaming "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?????" and no one will complain that his role didn't go to Jet Li.
If The Great Wall is half as weird, Matt Damon will spend of the time going "what? Fuck! Ok, um….shit" and he will be awesome doing it.
So this cool. But then again I loved BvS so I am not pre-disposed to hate it.
No. Batman v. Superman was not universally hated. There were critics who hated it and nerds that piled on, but there were plenty of audience members who were pleased that it was trying to do something besides the standard bullshit you get from Marvel.