
It's mostly a high concept show in the last two season.

Person of Interest. A lot of very smart discussion about just what constitutes "life".

I took it as taking out this level of bad guy is just so routine for them by this point that they don't need to give it their full attention. You know how there are parts of your job you have down so much you can do them while still chatting with a colleague? For them, that's taking out a ship of pirates.

cannot. freakin. wait.

Because if you watched Elementary as a series, you'd see that the writers continue to advance the arcs of Sherlock, Watson, Bell, Gregson, Alfredo, & Irene/Moriarity the entire time. It's 24 episodes / season of actual character development... and Sherlockian police procedural.

Han's not really dead, he's just frozen in carbonite.

30 Rock ended as Liz and Jack completed their evolution from adversaries to near family, while the comedy was still sharp and before another Baldwin meltdown torpedoed the show.

the front looks better if you smudge off some of the busy lights

I don't know what all the hate is about with regards to the front end of this thing. I actually prefer it. I'm a big fan of the squareback and kharmann ghia so maybe thats why.

I can't wait to see where this new "competing systems" subplot will take us in January when the show returns.

The best things to buy on Thanksgiving is nothing. Go be with family. DO NOT let retail stores take away the holiday from their employees just so you can buy a phone. I'm personally boycotting any store open on thanksgiving day from all my Christmas shopping.

Stay home with your family and friends instead of buying more useless shit. That's 100% savings!

Is nothing sacred? The holidays have slipped away from the general public and been completely bastardized by Big Business. The traditional meaning of Thanksgiving and Christmas both have been diluted by mass consumerism. Read more about the War on the Holidays and American Values being waged from the trenches of

Am sorry but if you go out to buy something on THANKSGIVING. Than FUCK YOU.

Don't buy ANYTHING in person on Thanksgiving. Give those poor retail workers a fucking day off.

Jesus, really? It just didn't occur to you that 30 embedded videos on one page was going to cause problems?