Yeah, but Lynch would. That's the magic of surrealism. You don't have to be realistic. I figure one day people will get this.
Yeah, but Lynch would. That's the magic of surrealism. You don't have to be realistic. I figure one day people will get this.
I love this show. I love that people are baffled, confused and bored by it. This isn't ABC, this is undiluted Lynch, and seeing people act with surprise when confronted by that is sort of awesome. People have interesting expectations. They really want this to be narrative-driven, tv paced, and realistic, and Lynch and…
Yeah, that's not a new thing with Lynch.
I think it's important to note that the entire series was written in advance as a single shooting script, meaning the overall arc is planned and not just made up on the fly. I'm seeing a lot of comments about how the show is establishing too many plots too early, which would be a serious problem if the series was…
The scene in the car where Shelly's high daughter is looking at the sky is one of the single best "throwaway" shots Lynch has ever done. Nothing revolutionary technically, but simply perfect.
10/10 for concern trolling. Well done sir!
So was the woman who informs Ben Horne about the food critic in season 2, as well as two of Hank's parole board in the same season. So we have had a doctor, two social workers/judges and a trusted Great Northern employee. And one prostitute.
It's worth noting that Japan was never colonized, was itself an imperialist power, and has been appropriating and re-purposing and remaking "western" culture for 100 years. Do you think people in Japan get angry about the existence of Japanese rock music, Kurosawa's Shakespeare films ("hey, King Lear was British,…
They missed an opportunity to release the original Bionic Commando. What a shame. Never mind, it's Disney themed.
I could give a shit about Nazis in metal, but then out of the hundreds of metal bands I listen to I manage to avoid the Nazis. Not too hard when 98 percent of the genre has nothing to do with Nazism. I find white supremacists and neo-Nazis repulsive, and not particularly hard to avoid in the scene. Even atmospheric…
Eh, the Deus Ex stories are always goofy, but there are great bits of content and ideas (nothing too original, but solid) scattered throughout sub quests, conversations and settings that make up for the dodgy Dan Brown bullshit. It's hard to tell a really great linear story in the context of a game that wants you to…
The first argument about how the Augs brought it on themselves is pretty flawed. Looking past the misguided BLM marketing gimmick, the game isn't drawing a 1:1 comparison between people of color and Augs, even if some characters in the game make the comparison. A better analogy would be Muslims in Europe. Because a…
I'm mildly disappointed by the lack of a single folk metal band on this list given that that many of the best in the genre have full-time bagpipe players. I don't think I'd reach for Korn on this topic.
You might consider the possibility of at least giving it a chance. Unless you're of the school of thought that the only purpose of art is to entertain you or make you think happy positive thoughts.
… and John Bellingham of the Alabama Post raves "Hail Satan! 'Lucifer' is one hellacious knockout of a supernatural cop show! It will have you throwing horns and shouting to the devil. Four stars!"
I was also a vegetarian for several years after being exposed to "Diet for a New America" through a kind of capsule review lyric on Exit-13's "Ethos Musick." Didn't stick, but it goes to show that music really can influence politics.
I think my exposure to Napalm Death's "Scum" and "From Enslavement to Obliteration" in middle school had a profound impact on my political development. It was the first time that I encountered lyrics that not only critiqued systems of power but also offered self-criticism (what is my role in this?), a kind of politics…
Moral panics are always a bowl full of hilarity. In the 1980s we had the completely fabricated Satanic sexual abuse hysteria. People's lives were basically ruined over hearsay, innuendo and rumor about underground Satanic cults running day cares. Meanwhile nice Jesus-loving Catholic kids were actually being mass…
There is no first, second or third worlds. It's a Cold War era concept describing the US and its developed allies, the Soviet/communist world, and the unaligned or up-for-grabs developing nations. Without a communist bloc, it doesn't mean anything.
I'm not sure why exactly you keep harping on leftists being the Vice audience, when I'm on the left and most of my friends are on the left and none of us like Vice, and consider much of it sensationalist garbage. I get most of my international journalism from the New Yorker, NY Times , The Economist, etc. You have a…