
@Drogmir: oh man how the great have fallen...

So its a 1930's Gangster version of GTA?

@OutlawDominus: Yes. Some of the quests conflict. This is typical Bethesda style game where you have to make a choice.

wth why give us the finger in the beginning.

hey why hate on Helen. She did no wrong.

bullshit. Vacuum tube amps beat transistors any day.

@Darkon_X: oh god yes. best use of kinect i ever heard of.

I've never seen the map for Azeroth but damn is that a simple

wow. Something good for once.

@hamster78: that was insulting. not even a cheese. lol

@Facebook: Obligatory ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.

I wonder if Apple will sue Sesame Street....

Everyone is OP.

probes and pylons.