
@nmalinoski: considering valve time it might be after your bday

And still no word on HL2 Ep3

@MacAttack: No it came in the form of tax.

and it only costs your soul!


"a feature for the next game in the series"

gg no rm

I don't understand.

what the fuck is this.

@Graviton1066: the british did some good things sometimes....

No word on price?

@GV_Goat: a foot. But you have to consider the charge lasts a millisecond.

They've been talking about this for years. Putting your wallet on a cellphone.

I think this is awesome.


everyone was at Quakecon.

33 was a trap.

@TechTF: TF2 has an amazing community. It also depends on which servers you frequent. You can join RoFL. Its a small community, but we're pretty newb friendly. Google roflegion.

@blaaps: I fucking love that game. I aint a hater.