
@James Marino: Women are attracted to men with an abundance of resources. Its not a shallow thing, its just nature.

So from what i gather about this data, is that the Major Userbase is... Preteens. and Children.

So from what i gather about this data, is that the Major Userbase is... Preteens. and Children.

@Stephen Totilo: A hero. I'd promote you but I can't because your already the admin/editor. So I just heart clicked because I'm just a peon. :[

@Bcoolbyte: thats a good question.. i dont know ... Maybe it wasn't?

Cammy. Always needs more Cammy.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: It took a while... but whether those adaptaions are good movies on par with the likes of Godfather, that remains to be seen.

@simplyscott: Bioshock 2 sucked simply because it wouldnt load past the title screen for me.

Doomed to failure. The game was a good enough cinema experience.

sorry rich ppl only.

sorry rich ppl only.

Now playing

I just have to post this again even though the article was a few days ago.

another reason to think this guy is a crazy mofo

@Damien Lavizzo: it wasnt even expensive on the pc a few days ago. it was like 4 bucks.