
Pointless article that was only written to start an Apple commenting war.

"They're not fashionable" you just answered your own question. But 50 cents new headphones look good too plus they're wireless!

Not better than any COD campaign.

Discs are outdated. Computer's don't need them. Game Consoles don't need them. Just wait for games to go on sale or pay full price. You're supporting the developer.

Do you have to be a current payed member? Or could I get an ELITE subscription Jan 23rd and still get the maps on the 24th?

Dead Island is17+.

Yeah I know. It's punishing the wrong people.

That's funny considering the iPhone is still the best phone out at the moment. Plus it's just going to get better with the next iPhone. Android is still a laggy, fragmented OS.

Go Apple go. Fuck Android.

Yeah 21 is stupidly high. I just learned that ours got lowered to a maximum 0.049 now which seems unnecessary.

Call of Duty is still an excellent game. You're just saying things like this because it's currently cool to hate on COD. You must be hipster.

Can't remember the learners restrictions besides having to have a fully licensed driver in the passenger seat, but the GDL (16+) ones are no more passengers than seat belts and a 0.00 blood alcohol level. Then at the 18+ full license you can have a 0.08 (drinking age here is 18).

Learners yeah but someone who has their full license (18+) has to be in the passenger seat if the person with the learners is driving. Can't drive by yourself till 16.

Uncharted 3 not on the best PS3 game list? What the fuck.

So? A good game doesn't get awards because it would win too many?

I thought 16 years old was pretty common. Learners at 14, GDL at 16 and full license at 18. That's how it is in Alberta anyways.

The Nissan dealership close to me has 2 GT-R's on the lot that haven't moved in quite some time. Don't think they're sold.

Yeah it's basically just sniping really quick, sometimes not even zooming your scope in all the way.

There is nothing wrong with quickscoping, it's part of the game.

I actually have this song on my iPod for some reason. Probably because of the catchy beat.