
This made me laugh.

I'd rather have 60 fps then better graphics. The MW games look good enough.

Better not be back. It encourages camping.

Angry Birds is pretty great.

Yeah the Treyarch ones are kinda boring. Especially multiplayer.

But the Bugatti was the fastest car while at the same time being extremely luxurious. This only has speed.

Article instantly means nothing since all the author does is bash artists who have accomplished more and made more money then he ever will.

I'd rather have a phone made of glass and aluminum then plastic. Especially if the plastic phone runs Android. Then I definitely don't want it.

That guy who has the system that can rip the phonebook apart, makes his living off stuff like that. He now has his own branded subwoofer and is making money doing something he loves.

Yes could you send me a link to your post too?

I think WP7 is going to beat out Android for 2nd place. It definitely looks a lot better then Android.

Fuck. This was the problem with BC2. The game felt so slow. Gotta get that 60fps!

Tons of people have the new Apple TV. The old one not so much though.

The best jeans are Diesels. Little pricey but they look good and they're comfortable.

No iPhone 4 it'll be fine. The 3GS however probably won't be.

The updates are different. They're delta updates so they only add features (like the xbox 360) rather then downloading a whole new OS like they are now.

Why would you need to be jailbroken after this update?

Why would you need to be jailbroken after this update?


Range Rovers look better when they're all black, with black and chrome rims. Not covered in mud.