Possessor of bad opinions.

It sucks to be a mom in God Of War? From what I’ve seen of this series, it sucks being a woman period. For all the humanizing elements introduced in this installment, the series never fails to put women down in some form or another.

Dead/suffering moms make good character motivators. RIP to all the dead moms in gaming.

Where in any corner of male-oriented genre fiction does it not suck to be a mom? Even Disney movies hate moms.

-1 for lack of username/post synergy

but i loathe isometric gameplay

Aw man, that sucks!

Crystal Souls was always my favorite growing up, it always felt like I managed to outsmart the shareware demon when I went deeper.

Fuck Yes Exile 2+3

(yeah, I know they have been updated in the Avernum games, but still)

Counterpoint: Junkrat is amazing.

If it were all I did, I’d probably be miserable, but as an accessory to real work that helps inform and entertain people, it’s NBD.

From personal experience I can tell you that game addiction is more a symptom of prolonged depression than a cause for it. I have mthfr homozygeous mutation, cbs and comt mutations and a few others that result in vitamin deficiencies, inability to process sulphur and other chemicals. I’ve cleaned up my diet, learnt to

Excuse me while I cackle maniacally from the bridge of my ship—a Lakon Spaceways ASP Explorer named Space Oddity, currently patrolling the Pleiades star cluster —because by the fourth quarter of 3303, Star Citizen STILL HASN’T BEEN RELEASED.

Which leads to the logic “If you’re not going to play the way I insist you play, then you shouldn’t be playing at all. It’s my game, not your game!”

It’s a fucking complaint about a fucking video game, you ridiculous whining hypocrite. Don’t read it. Your whining is one full level more asinine than what you’re whining about already.

Hey, cut the guy some slack, his mother is a beaver.

I’d like some attention too, pls star thx,,,.

Yeah, it is a really weird reaction, I agree and understand that. It’s this anxiety about the fact that I can’t simply do everything that I want in this game. The anxiety that I can’t actually devour all of the content available without doing yet-another 100 hour playthrough. The anxiety that there’s no way to time

Easy there killer. Im replying Im replying.

Maybe you should consider writing 10-year retrospectives on games that you don’t totally abhor?