No, it’s sad that you can’t see past her race. The only reason you’ve stated for disliking her is that she doesn’t deserve to feel sad because she’s white. That’s some ugly shit, right there.
No, it’s sad that you can’t see past her race. The only reason you’ve stated for disliking her is that she doesn’t deserve to feel sad because she’s white. That’s some ugly shit, right there.
Miss Piggy doesn’t deserve Kermit; she’s selfish and vain and he is open-minded and kind. People these days are too politically correct to admit it, but it’s true. #misspigyny
Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.
Isee it as similar to “All in the Family.” Archie Bunker was THE WORST, but no one took him seriously. He highlighted the absurdity of all kinds of bigotry and we were supposed to laugh at him and his beliefs.
I’d blame the internet more. It gave a soap box to people who found the entire world and everything in it “offensive.” Yes, there are offensive things out there but we are too often in Chicken Little territory these days.
“By hiring a cis actor to play a non-binary individual in a clearly negative way, they film endorses harmful and dangerous perceptions of the queer community at large.”
Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s…
these dresses are putting the maid in bridesmaid...
So. Cute.
It always amazes me that people pay giant bucks for makeup bags. I have about 30 under my bathroom sink that came from Clinique and Lancome bonus deals.
12 Years? You can get more than that for selling weed.
Prosecutors are requesting 12 1/2 years, while Fogle’s defense has asked for five.
Thank you!! Please remainder Jez writers, I contribute shit, I’m not a troll.
Two points: 2004 school law says no head covering at all (as well as no other “large” religious symbols on the students’ and teachers’ bodies) only in school. Only in school.
it’s becoming more open to models of all genders but not familiar enough to know that a cheap joke about an ostensibly trans or gender fluid person’s genitalia is retrograde bitchassness.
Untouchable Face- Ani D
You can’t call him vain for thinking the song is about him, if the song is really about him.
not to get too deep into this BUT i took it as derek & hansel are out of touch with the current fashion industry so they’ve never confronted the new androgynous trends?
It also sounds like a problem with our healthcare system that she couldn’t leave her job because she was the one with the benefits.
Screaming, “BOOT STRAPS” at new moms? Probably? Shaming them that they shouldn’t have had a baby if she isn’t able to be home.