I mean, there’s also that it isn’t red meat.
I mean, there’s also that it isn’t red meat.
Everybody always waves off an attack Bastion, only to get a wall of bullets to the everything.
See, that’s what the android does and what I thought initially. Ah well. Used to be able to get legit apps on Android that would cut it off from ringing and not let it leave a voicemail, but I guess Android got tired of letting that happen.
Neat; not a fan of iPhone myself but if it can kill a spam call before it even hits voicemail then cool!
I’d rather be able to create a list that denies the call rather than sending them to voicemail; Android phones can already do that. I don’t want to have to clear out my voicemail because someone wardialed my number for spam.
Man, I miss overtime pay...
Huh.... Either you make bank with overtime or you’re considered an exempt employee. But even then, to call 50-60 hours full-time is.... a troubling trend considering the overall average full-time is 35-40 hours a week. Not saying it isn’t happening as it seems some companies have started doing this, but that sounds…
Exactly this; I put headphones in when I worked in DC because I had no desire to be bothered. I was either trying to start mentally preparing for or mentally coming down from the day at work.
The issue is load. When they go to test hubs and things like this, they can only simulate X load, but in the real world there’s a MUCH higher Y demand. Their tests can’t account for just how massive the difference is. This isn’t something new, this has happened since online hubs were added to games. Hell, look at…
... Somebody never paid attention to Boondock Saints and looked into what Murphy calls Rocco as he goes off to the mafia bar. If you go looking for the line it’s the one that goes, “What kind of flowers do you want at your funeral?” Apparently not terribly long ago the word he calls Rocco in the movie was used in…
I mean, if it was just themself, I could see your point. These idiotic sheep are feeding this shit to their children, not just themselves.
It isn’t just that, but that Miracle Mineral Solution garbage was created by a piece of shit dude who FORMED A CULT TO PUSH HIS PRODUCT ON THEM. I can’t stress that enough; this sick bastard knows (and has admitted) that it’s crap but he still pushes it and people still defend it. He especially likes to push it to…
40 licks in one session?
You’re in the clear; summary is “yeah it’s fine just don’t let them lick open wounds,” you know common sense.
Some places have taken to sealing their packages/bags; they’ll put labels to make it obvious if it’s been opened.
Can confirm; when your car permanently smells of super-stale pizza (the smell gets stuck in the interior and ages).... Yeah, I didn’t eat pizza for a couple years after my time as a driver.
I know it’s more than a month late, but in case you’re interested: As an aside about the oddly-specific amounts: If you think about it, an exact amount might add some apparent legitimacy to the claim as “who would possibly pick such an odd number?”
Millennials (an age group currently mid-20s to late 30s) heard it growing up, too. Like others have said, a lot of the times they try and force you to touch the items or put them on you against your will.
I’d suggest that if you have a sliding door reachable from the ground (either on a deck with stairs down or a floor-level one), cut apart a decently thick/sturdy dowel to fit in the track between the door that slides open and the frame. If for some reason the lock doesn’t latch properly or becomes unlatched, they’ll…