
That’s true to a point, but it’s likely a field much like technology; the field is ALWAYS changing. Just because they’re younger than others doesn’t necessarily mean they know less because younger generations are likely taught more modern methods and practices. There are requirements, if I recall, to keep your

Stealing this; dunno how I lost track of that image!

Still works; I did that just last night. Just keep the joycon/pokeball upright like you would if you were sitting up.

Isn’t that how a lot of those movies start? They start off being opposites and mixing like oil and water, right? haha

I wish I’d seen this before I wrote my reply, but you’re absolutely right! Practically the same additions I proposed, too. Though I don’t know why I didn’t think of Worcestershire sauce, but have you tried it with a bit of barbecue sauce?

For starters, I disagree on The Sandlot... But I agree with the beer and the music to an extent (I don’t think it’s the epitome, but it’s definitely better than Africa).

I meant more along the lines of snagging something to take with you; an extra muffin for children/yourself or a can of juice; rather than if you’re running late or something.

But what if you’re paying for the buffet breakfast? Same questions would apply then, but you are in fact paying them extra for the breakfast service.

You were born in the 80s too, weren’t you?

Don’t forget that there’s a reason the “Seeking recent graduate with 10 years work experience” meme came to exist; that’s the job market most millenials entered into.

... Yes, you need to smile even when your head’s throbbing from a night of way-too-much drinking. It’s part of your job; you are in a service industry. Whether it’s waiting tables, deliveries (did that for a few years), catering (also a few years), plumbing (nope), electrical (nu-uh), IT work (this is my life, what

Very true. Servers tips are typically split with the bussers and host/ess as well as being taxed on top.

Generally servers pay doesn’t increase at all with inflation and, as such, the recommended tip percentage has risen to compensate for that... It’s not terribly difficult to understand. Also, I’m sure waiters didn’t say anything about demanding that, it just became a thing that restaurants decided to start encouraging

The main issues I see on the forums, myself, are the way they keep rebalancing classes and destroying others (pvp) and the controversy over drop rates for exotics. Then there’s the absolutely hellish community on the forums; TONS of “casuals” this and “casuals” that; “stop catering to casuals” in regards to players

Ah! I see what you’re saying now! Sorry about that, but I gotcha now. Yes, I believe the order of mention is point buy > preset > rolling. That said, I think it mentions the first two as sort of equal options and then rolling, but I can’t be sure. I haven’t had to look at that part of the book in quite a while.

There’s three options in the core 5E book; point buy, preset values, and rolling. All three are viable and just depends on the DM; I’ve used all three within the last year.

I’m with you; energy drinks and sports drinks are entirely different things.

Multi-Level Marketing... Think legal pyramid schemes except you (allegedly, as this varies company to company) can actually make profit from sales w/o having to rely on conning people into joining beneath you.

Ignore the haters, put your vodka in the freezer if you damn well please freeze

Those words were even being used at least by the late 80s and very early 90s. “Millenial” covers a LARGE range of ages up to around... 35-36 or so... To say “this millenial internet speech” is a load of crap as a good chunk aren’t THAT much younger than his claimed age.