What excellence did the academy miss out on this year by not including any black actors? What is the performance(s) that you are so upset about?
What excellence did the academy miss out on this year by not including any black actors? What is the performance(s) that you are so upset about?
There were plenty of opportunities to shine. The problem is none of those opportunities this year were THAT good.
If you’re mad about SoC being snubbed, shouldn’t you also be mad that Love & Mercy was snubbed? It was more critically acclaimed, was an overall better movie and Paul Dano gave easily the best performance between the two. Yet it garnered zero nominations.
But when black actors do win (as they’ve done 16% of the time the last 14 years) suddenly the Oscars matter. And two years ago, when there were a bunch of black nominations, the Oscars were making so much progress.
Meanwhile, two years ago people were talking about how much progress the Oscars had made when 12 Years a Slave won a bunch of awards.
Who should be nominated this year that wasn’t? Are we really arguing that the Rocky remake deserves a bunch of nominations? It got the one everyone thought it would get: Sly’s nostalgic last nomination.