
The idea is to trick them into thinking they already booted the car. If they think the first one is theirs, they're not going to waste time putting more on a car. 

I’m curious if it’s laziness, as in +5 minutes and they’d have a properly licensed picture of the correct airplane, or if there’s actually a good reason they used the completely wrong airplane for the picture on this story.

I just can’t fathom the design decision to put a fuel tank in such an exposed place.  Was there REALLY no where else to put it? 

Are the credits needed to help the EV market or has it matured?

She’ll be gone in <2yrs when she loses a primary election. Her own party doesn’t want her 

It is possible to have junior congressmen who aren’t a dumber version of Trump. The only reason she got in is because she promised everyone free everything.

This needs way more stars.

Yeah! I come here to read about cars! Not to read this jibberish about cars!

The fact that at best it’s a strongly worded letter is supposed to be in it’s favor?

She is irrelevant. She is a very junior member of a very large house positing a plan that no senior member of Congress is going to follow. She can list plans that say anything and no one is going to listen.

Occassional Cortex is irrelevant. What she believes or plans has no bearing outside the four walls of her office where reality exists. Inside are where the unicorns and fairy dust and 21 trillion pentagon dollars are just taking up space waiting to be spent.

It’s not meant to be a realistic test, the dummies aren’t holding beers and crowing about how they’d do it differently.

What would define “luxury” today in the automotive world?

Deep south? We have that crap in Massachusetts!

I know, this article is such a buzzkill, surprised she didn’t kill a puppy and kitten when she got home just to make it a REALLY BAD article.

He’s got my vote and I don’t even know his positions on the issues...purely being himself and not tied to a political party. 

Pole hits pole, more at 11.

People buy badges and price points, not engine orientations.

Problem with that is; coal miners mine coal, they don’t empty cars.