
Easily, and it won’t even be entirely her fault. Just look at the headlines of this, and read the original source article. The article is about using sound waves to fool MEMS accelerometers, not about using it to take control of your phones.

I didn’t even want to go into the humanitarian missions they, apparently, didn’t contribute anything to since WWII ended... as are part of a Carrier Group’s stated task and purpose. Hey, speaking of task and purpose... this is basically a cut/paste from a taskandpurpose.com article from last week.

Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.

“Let’s face it, the Donald Obama has nothing to do with actually crafting policy. He just says shit and sees what people like.”

How much longer before “his” party tells him to “fuck off”

I’m no apologist for Conway, but she may have been referring to using wifi signals to track people’s movements. So microwaves as in RF signals, not microwaves as in kitchen appliances.

Of course rude behavior doesnt disgust you because your a fucking douche nozzle...Biggest cunt at Giz and dude, that’s saying something.

Same type of garbage what was proven wrong about the Ozone hole and ozone depletion. Scientist get some new tool, make some crazy “the end of earth is near” prediction then end up being proven 100% wrong.

13% faster than previously thought. So now instead of them raising in tempt by 2 degrees over the next 200 years they are going to rise by 2.26 degrees of the next 200 years....BIG NEWS... /s

Because anything strong enough to adsorb the impact of a goose at 500 mph -and not end up breaking free and being sucked into the engine it’s supposed to protect! - is probably going to reduce the free air area of the intake by 10%.

But by making me and millions of other Americans pay for other people’s insurance, it affects our Welfare, financially. Why should I have to pay for open heart surgery on a fat slob who does nothing but sit around all day eating fast food, smoking cigarettes, and not giving two seconds of thought to his personal

Well to be fair, there’s nothing affordable about ACA. They should have called it the Take money from one guy and use it to pay some other guy’s bills while ensuring that the insurance companies get richer act.

Why is it the government’s responsibility to provide healthcare to people, what part of the constitution is that in again?

“Blah, Earth would be fine! People will die... but Earth will be just fine.” - George Carlin :)

The Earth is a balanced, dynamic system with the oceans, forests, polar ice, and atmosphere each playing a different role in maintaining the climate and carbon dioxide levels.

Just keep beating that drum. Ignore the fraud in much of the data. Ignore the failure of any of the models to accurately predict their claims. Ignore the massive corruptions of governments trying to use Climate change to cash in.

You are right, there is no “if”. There were two seperate attempts to secure wire taps in Trump Tower from a FISA court. One was even rejected. In a court where over 95% of wire taps are granted, the obama DOJ had a request denied!

The thing is, you don’t even do any research, and you consider yourself an expert on everything. You just post links to other articles you found on Google. That’s not journalism, it’s barely even writing.

Oh great. Leaving for my first cruise in two weeks, thanks for trying to take the fun out of it. I did go read the ProPublica article and the comments and it doesn’t seem all that alarming. The rules don’t seem that different from any other resort situation: wash hands often, mind your valuables, don’t drink so much

Don’t do _____ ever again because these [insert bad things] could happen. These articles write themselves.