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    They seem like pretty nice and smart people to me.

    You really are not very clever. But with your limited I.Q. that’s not surprising. Try coming up with a clever insult rather than your warmed-over liberal crap. And oh, by the way, Trump continues to win big. Supreme Court overrules lower liberal courts on travel ban. New bill will soon shut down sanctuary cities. I am

    The smell of sulfur and excrement... I can always tell when you’re around.

    You tell me, I don’t have any relatives living in the housing projects like you.

    Every time you post I hear your song...

    I bought her a house and a car and took care of her until she died. Scum like you wouldn’t know about things like that.

    As if Obama care doesn’t suck. It is collapsing and the Dems are not doing a thing to help. Keep on losing losers!

    My mother is dead you loser.

    As if Obama care doesn’t suck. It is collapsing and the Dems are not doing a thing to help. Keep on losing losers!

    Give me a fucking break... the people pictured are moon-bat crazy which is what they have in common. Of course you probably are too.

    Hey, I just did you a favor. I killed a shit-eating ant.

    You are a pathetic tomato... loser. Quit stinking up this thread.

    BTW, would you mind telling me what it feels like for you to go through life as a sad idiot?

    LOL, My Memaw passed away 10 years ago and we cremated her. I am not surprised that life confuses you. You immaturity here is entertaining.

    LOL, let me know when your testicles have descended and then we might get something funny from you. Sad, sophomoric, loser. Not even clever. BTW, you guys lost again yesterday in GA!!

    What I love about people like you is that you still don’t have a clue why Trump won. Trump had a message, a plan etc. All Hillary had was your message which is, “don’t vote for Trump cause he be stupid and awful.” To win you need a message. The Dem in Georgia lost last night because his message was mainly, “don’t vote

    I see you lost in Georgia last night. 0 for 4. Trump is still winning! You probably were watching in your parents basement. It would be great for you to enjoy Trump for 8 years!

    OK, maybe I overstated you being in high school. With this level of humor you would barely make 4th grade. I like good satire. You posts are just pathetic and juvenile. Come back when you have something funny... what. a. loser. you. are.

    Oh B.S. Even the EPA knows you are full of it with the global warming crap. Look at the data and quit the alarmist B.S.

    Oh B.S. Even the EPA knows you are full of it with the global warming crap. Look at the data and quit the alarmist B.S.