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    I love how pathetic losers like you are on the left. Make all the fun you want.... you are a loser.

    Damn right!

    Sea level has been rising at a constant rate of 2.8mm per year since measurements began in 1869. Same rate as today so therefore no correlation to CO2. Please quit wasting our time.

    Well, Trump won so I guess you know what his cock tastes like. Winners are the suckees. You are the sucker! You might have noticed that Comey cleared Trump 100% of being under criminal investigation. Your pathetic side will have to come up with something new to waste our time with.

    Top 10 things we learned today:

    I do not believe every thing he says. I voted for him for the Supreme Court, immigration reform, tax reform etc. None of those things Billery would have addressed or if she did she would screw them up. You won’t understand why he won until you understand my points above. The stock market has already bet on him as I

    Obama was a loser and was responsible for ISIS. BTW, I believe you qualify as the snowflake here as you are a sore loser and voted for a loser.

    Because the left-wing MSM will never give up on finding a reason to impeach Trump.

    Yeah it sucks when your conspiracy theories are dashed.

    Yeah it sucks when your conspiracy theories are dashed.

    Yeah it sucks when your conspiracy theories are dashed.

    Yeah it sucks when your conspiracy theories are dashed. Trump may be weird but not fishy.

    Obama was responsible for the success of ISIS when he pulled all of our troops out of Iraq. Now Trump has to clean up the Pussy’s mess and is actually doing something about ISIS. Obama if one pussy not worth grabbing!

    OOOhhhh... you are so clever!!

    You are one sad tomato and a sore loser. We had to put up with a pussy for 8 years. I’m glad you are enjoying Trump who was made for people like you. BTW, your epithets define your limited I.Q.

    Trump already sent a 59 cruise missile message to Syria. You know, the country that Obama warned not to cross the red line of using chemical weapons. Syria went ahead and Obama, the Pussy in Chief, declined to do anything. He was probably grabbing his own pussy. Enjoy four, maybe if we’re lucky, eight more years of

    A Navy seal killed Bin Laden. Obama waited 16 hours thinking it over and finally Panetta gave the kill order.

    Iraq under control when Obama comes in. ISIS out of control when Obama leaves... thanks Obama.

    You are truly a juvenile.