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    Yeah, gerrymandering has worked for years for the Dems. Now it’s the Pub’s turn.

    That is what we are telling you. And... you have been on the losing end for a while thanks to Obama and Pelosi!

    Looks like you are one of the losing yokels!

    Wait until you idiots realize who Trump is putting in as head of the EPA! Real swamp-draining!

    Hey, you guys believed all the B.S. that Obama dished out!

    The new head of the EPA, Myron Ebell, will do some kick-ass, swamp-draining!

    At least we ended the year with President-Elect Trump! Whooo Hoooo!

    Strides, strides? Obama has made things worse

    Yeah, good point and a lesson for all. Don’t start shit and if you are asked to comply by an officer, STFU and do it.

    “Voting poorly” is a matter of opinion. It was true in the case of Obama who will have most of his executive orders reversed in the first week of Trump.

    Please begin immediately. We will do fine without you.

    This is going to be so much fun. Obama accomplished much of his crap using executive orders. Problem is, they are easy to reverse and will be.

    I so agree. When I first bought it and paired it to my iPad, I was like... REALLY?

    I so agree. When I first bought it and paired it to my iPad, I was like... REALLY?

    I have an Anova and the Blue Tooth connection is useless although the unit itself is great. Once you learn sous-vide it will change your cooking life.

    I have an Anova and the Blue Tooth connection is useless although the unit itself is great. Once you learn sous-vide

    He’s still a dip stick...

    You have the right to be a douche, which, it appears you are.

    When in God’s name can we retire the hackneyed word, “genius”? Einstein was a genius, this is not.

    Drove this in a Honda 2000, wonderful!

    It was in fact!