Flock looks like a bloated monster, which eats memory for nothing.
Flock looks like a bloated monster, which eats memory for nothing.
This Pavlina's post seems like a promo of DavidRM. I really can't see the point in purchasing any special "journal" software.
10 of 10. Kick ass!
@Nick: Good bless the Queen!
Gina, that's cool. Good luck!
@TakoChimp: Good point. Life ain't easy so some things should stay tough (even for the little ones).
I am using a sheet of paper as a mouse pad. When it gets dirty I put a new sheet.
@ashishgup: 10 bucks?! No way!
@ashwani: What are you talking about? If you are following John Richardson's comment, than he meant it figuratively. You can choose anyone - even Mahatma Gandhi!
Nice article. I definitely should give "Is it me?" a try.
That's not rocket science.
Thanks Wendy! I was just looking for something like this!
@monkeyboy: That tutorial is just a bunch of blablabla. Dreamhost is not free of charge. Besides why using Gmail if you have paid for Dreamhost IMAP hosting?!
@khamer: It would be invaluable if it allowed to choose custom notification time for all day events! Fixed 5 pm is a total crap!
@monkeyboy: IMAP would really be a kick ass, but however I doubt that Google will ever launch it.
IM is really evil & it really distracts. Personally I stick to Skype as it is not very popular in my area & I have only the best contacts\people there. Besides I use it to make phone calls.
@jwelshjr: Ehrr... I didn't quite get your problem. I heard that some people crack some software sometimes. MS Money is not an exception.
@Rob P.: Private browsing mode is very cool. I am at now & I use Stealther to tweak in this feature.
Will you post Quotes daily? That's cool!
Visit only those sites which have dark background. That will definitely add up some cents as you will save on display power consumption.