Timothy Burks

Grilled Stuffed Burrito? That’s the only thing I like there!

Kinja is being a dick to me.

It’s not showing on my end, that was supposed to be a gif of “Laugh while you can, monkey boy.”

She likely was reported by the local HOA.

I was really looking forward to watching that video, too bad Formula One Management banned it.

Tokyo Drift led me to the live action Initial D.

I am reminded of Rollerball when everyone is yelling at Jonathan to “turn the label out!”

True but most won’t believe it.

Is this the one from the chase or the one that didn’t get busted up? 

You can get a lot of hate for calling out Lennon.

It is helpful to lighten the load for them.

Never read the book, it’s even more over the top than the Johnny Depp version.

Now playing

He thought it would run like the Porsche Tiger.

Gene Wilder was good but Roald Dahl’s writing was kind of Twilight Zone/Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

What bores through Vegas stays in Vegas.