Timothy Burks
Now playing

For those who forgot about Patrick Stewart on Chapman stick

Remember you’re replacing the steel doors with fiberglass.

He wouldn’t like a real call sign. It would probably be something like FUNGUS.

I’m fair sure they have fine print to the effect of not meant to diagnose or cure any medical disorder.

So the flag is only at half mast.

It starts with Ferrari going to court. That’s why Miami Vice crashed the Daytona Spyder replica in the show. 

Watched initial D last weekend so I was looking for AE86's.

Because what is behind you is no longer important.

Brought to you by your friendly local Certified Auto Care Centers.

Minus points for telling exactly how I did it.

Went to the bar, they played the Twist I twisted, They played Jump I jumped, they played Come On Eileen. I got thrown out for that one.

This site isn’t letting me post images either.

Seems that way in Republic Of Doyle.