Just a tiny scrape it’ll buff right out!
Why go with Brand X?
It’s the difference between city people and country people, or guards and convicts.
I don’t know man I just got here me self!
That’s why they said “ingredient in cockroach poison” so much louder than “linalool and limonene” for the panic response.
How dare the Feds make Musk follow the same laws as everyone else.
Despite Leno’s snotty remarks about replica cars this is why they can be a good idea.
Seems odd to have a rear camera on a car so small you could just reach back and feel around for something behind you.
This is where Yeager should say “Hell I was there.”
It figured more in the swept wing research for the D-558-2 Skystreak and the F-86.
Yes Miles did build a prototype, and yes they did share their design after their government shut them down, but it had nothing to do with the final Bell design.
Needs an A-Team red stripe and a driver with a mohawk and a fuckton of gold chains and we’re good to go.