Watching all these people show out and act a fool over being told to wear a mask in public is like watching a two year old in Walmart whose parents just told them that they can’t have that toy or that brightly colored box of cereal or candy.
Watching all these people show out and act a fool over being told to wear a mask in public is like watching a two year old in Walmart whose parents just told them that they can’t have that toy or that brightly colored box of cereal or candy.
The stubborn anti-mask hysteria would be cartoonish if it wasn’t leading to thousands (hundreds of thousands? millions?) of preventable deaths.
Isn’t it ironic that people* (*white people mostly) are ignoring the “No Shirt, No Shoes, (No Facemask) No Service” signs and mandates and even threatening people’s lives over it? Always citing ‘muh Freedoms’ are being violated.
History shows that the “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service” was a reaction because of the…
I’ll bet dollars to donuts (no pun intended) a cop sent that text.
This, unfortunately, is the exact attitude I’ve encountered in to many cops and wanabe cops.
Oh, they wanna protest police violence? Let me give them some of that then.
“Still the ither guy isnt great either.” You mean like how when Bernie was asked by a black teen what he would say to them if they were his kid about cops Bernie said he would say to be respectful to the officer so they dont get shot and Biden said that he wouldnt say anything because if they were his kid they would…
Oh, would you look at this:
Funny how none of them “spoke up” when that obese waddling feeb hijacked their party and made a total mockery of it in the first place. They sat there smirking while he be-bopped and scatted all over common decency, but NOW they’re “asking questions”. Fuck them all, they threw all credibility away five years ago.
No no ... Aussies are the ones where the Crown sent a bunch of ex-convicts to colonize the place.
Uhhh.....have you seen who the president of the USA is? So, to answer your question, “How many times can someone show the world who they are before people believe it”, it’s never. The answer is, they will never see him/her for who they are.
adding that perhaps conservatives might harness “the courage of our convictions and speak up.”
The media has a fetish for Susan Collins Lisa Murkowski’s guileless republican women act. Journalists love to invent a conscience for these women despite all evidence to the contrary.
“I am struggling with it. I have struggled with it for a long time,”
Also; your Commander in Chief is a manchild and would have slapped us with a bunch of BS tarriffs and done all kinds of other things at the cost of thousands of Canadian (and American) jobs. Also does things like seize PPE, and otherwise regularly screw us over just because his feelings are hurt.
While he’s always been diplomatic, I have never seen Trudeau soooo reluctant to say anything bad about your president. I suspect that the current pandemic might have played some role in that.
You have to understand, Canadians are the most polite of all the members of the British Commonwealth. The have elevated the quiet and measured response to an art form. Also consider Canadians have a less-than-stellar track record on the issue and you can see why Trudeau had to pause and think.
I actually witnessed a Facebook friend who is substantively conservative and right leaning make the logical leap to understanding that freedom has more often been won through actual physical struggle than anything overtly peaceful. That the civil rights amendment didn’t happen until after the widespread riots of the…