Who knew you could end America’s endless wars by simply removing 50 members of the military and giving one ally the green light to attack another ally?
Who knew you could end America’s endless wars by simply removing 50 members of the military and giving one ally the green light to attack another ally?
In true Trump form, the Trump campaign is accusing this “radical leftist” Mayor of trying to block his rally because Mayor Frey is refusing to allow them use of the Target Center unless they prepay the security costs which are estimated to be over 500K.
Not a drop of alcohol, but MAGA supporters swear it is the most potent drink ever.
“I’m so innocent I’m not going to even try to prove him innocent that’s how innocent I am!” - Something I can 100% picture Trump saying.
Kind of reminds me of the argument that gay marriage hurts straight marriage, but they were unable to provide any examples.
Gender, hatred, fear, bigotry, Jeebus, insecurity, fear of losing control of a changing world in which they once had all the power. My god, I could write a treatise. But it all comes down to weakness, imo. Weak fearful people.
It’s amazing* how the president, who proclaims how innocent of wrongdoing he is, can be so goddamn afraid of actually proving it. Didn’t do anything wrong? Prove it asshole.
I work for a federal department, and we can’t wear uniforms, logos or IDs when attending or participating in anything political, because it literally undermines our independence and impartiality as public servants. The police are public servants - they have to serve both the public and administrations regardless of…
What’s funny too is that the Trump campaign is “neglecting” to pay the cities for all the added police security they provide for his rallies, to the tune of nearly $900k
In true Trump form, the Trump Campaign is neglecting to pay for the extra security provided by the cities that host his rallies to the tune of nearly $900k
Most of the time, I find her snark funny. This though? Nope. It’s already being whispered in the tinfoil circles that once Biden drops out, Hillary will throw her hat in, and Warren will drop out.
#ENDENDLESSWARS is hilarious* because it’s both an oxymoron and a very clear policy position... end the wars that I didn’t start! But some wars are good! Just not the ones I didn’t start!
Thank you!!!!! I truly could care less what my coworkers do in their private lives or who they are attracted to. It’s kinda gross to think about. I avoid talking politics to coworkers who I know I don’t agree with and generally try to mind my own business. I tried the make friends at work thing and it doesn’t work (at…
Response? “Because that would require me to not think of them in any sort of sexual way, ever!” -OR- “If I accept that such things are possible for others (ie transsexual) then it might happen to me!!!”
Here you go bringing logic into this! We can’t have that! On a trivial comparison matter it’s like the “no piercings/tattoos/colored hair” rules some offices try to put into place. Bitch this is a call center, NOBODY CAN SEE TATTOOS. Similarly if any employee of any orientation, gender (cis, trans, non binary) can…
Yeah athletics is a big one; I was thinking more in terms of employment opportunities. Companies report what percentage of management are women, women-owned businesses can benefit from some perks, etc.
Yup. The theory is that if we stop discriminating against transgender people, that will break the magical seal that we currently place on all women’s restroom doors, and will thereby allow pedophiles to enter and attack children, under the guise of being transgender women.
I’m actually excited for this. Hollywood is great at making visual ecstasy. The writing is going to make or break it though. Also, I doubt they are going to try to cram it all into one movie. If I were them I would milk this franchise for as long as I could. That could be 3 or more films as long as the manga keeps…
Now watch Hollywood use a 100% japanese cast for all the characters except Mikasa, who will be portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence because fuck you.
I’m glad I’m not the only person who watched Pacific Rim and felt like I was watching an OVA of some kind.