
Sorry to hear that. Sadly, mine died from a heart attack that everyone is pretty sure because of my grandmother (we're Italian) before I really got the chance to find out much about his service.

Love Cordy. Was going to suggest her myself. I still get chills over her last line:

It's actually the whole story of Buffy's evolution if you look at it. At first, Cordelia is Buffy before she found out she was the slayer.

So true. I couldn't even make it through the second season because it was too painful to watch all the "good" characters shit on her when she was clearly trying so hard to be a better person. Like, this woman grew up with a batshit insane, abusive, and emotionally manipulative mother, which completely fucked her

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There's not a lot of love for this show around here but I happen to like it. Yes, they're mostly nerd stereotypes and either they toned it down or I just got used to it, but I find it entertaining enough.


I find Tolkien tiresome but Bernard Hill's superlative portrayal of King Theoden from a cursed husk to basically steal the whole show was outstanding. His speech to the troops in ROTK is the stuff of legend

Oh! I have another one.

They started out as Pretty Hardy Boys lokking for their father (not Fenton), while fighting the goul of the week. Now.. Man.. Way to cool for scool (and cw) with all the best friends and foes.

The show did a poor job of developing her character at the start. The book dose a better job to be sure.

Same answer as yesterday's comic relief question:

Yet another Buffy character: Anya Christina Emmanuella Stupidname Madeitup Jenkins.

Wesley wins this easily.

Great choice! I LOVE this character, and Paranorman in general.

Howard Wolowitz from The Big Bang Theory was pretty much a two joke character. (Three if you include his clothes.) They've done a good job of toning him down and adding some back story. Still needs some work, but at least now that's he's married he's not always just the obnoxious nerd on the prowl.

Went from an annoying teenager with angst into the God Damn Batman.

Charles Gunn from Angel, the BtVS spinoff. I cringed so hard that first episode...

I already know certain authors at this site disagree with me, but

Mitch from Paranorman starts out as the most broadly stereotypical meat-head jock 'bro' (although a good-hearted one.) then very casually in the last few minutes drops some knowledge that completely redefines his character - or rather DOESN'T change it at all - and that's what great about it.