
Agreed. The way she called out the media about their lack of questioning during the Republican debate said it all. She’s not gonna stand next to that fool and let them treat him with kid gloves while she is forced to act like a perfect and knowledgable adult.

Ah, but Kamala called out the moderators which was super interesting. I don’t see her letting him or the moderators get away with his gibberish and no substance responses. She’s gonna point out all his question dodging. 

Except now they’re doing it better than he is which does not look good. Why is Gillibrand explaining how she fixed his proposals? And he had no rebuttal to that. He also had to be prompted to answer that question about the taxes cause he tried to avoid it so that’s not really praise worthy.

YES! Especially when she called out the moderators—and basically the media—for wearing kid gloves when dealing with Republicans. That was fucking beautiful. I can just imagine. The moment Trump doesn’t answer a question and they don’t call him on it, she’s gonna be like:

Kamala was up there telling the rowdy ass kids to sit their asses down because it was mama’s time to speak. 

There’s nothing to say. His ideas from his last run have been adopted by other members of the party. Members who actually have a PLAN to turn those ideas into reality unlike him who is still screaming from his soapbox like no time has passed. Gillibrand told us that she fixed his shit. That’s not a good look,

Past Joe to Future Joe

That was so bad! It was even worse later on when Gillibrand spoke up and started talking about how she fixed HIS proposal.

Seriously. When she said she was calling New Zealand I was like, “Is this a reference to gun control?” And then she put on this ridiculous sister girl sass and described a phone call that was not only unnecessary, but just beyond stupid.

I was completely flabbergasted. At first I thought she was gonna call for advice on gun control. Not what I was expecting, but could be relevant I suppose and then she just went completely off the deep end.

At this point, he's just giving Trump ammunition. 

Yup. He should listen to his own advice and “Pass the torch.”

Might as well put snot on it too. Has too many stars anyway.

You know that’s now their real flag.

Now playing

Agreed. The construction industry revealed the first 3D Excavator last year.  If they’re making gigantic, working machinery then they can definitely make guns.

It doesn’t make sense because the idea of 3D Technology is too sci-fi for him to comprehend. He probably heard about it— cause you know the idiot doesn’t read — and said “Pfft, that ain’t real.” Now, when I first heard about 3D printing I was amazed, but that was a while ago. Trump is old though so he is behind, as

Pretty much. That road leads to the real questions, “Do you have something to hide? No? Well why else would you want to interfere in an investigation that has actually been quite successful so far?”

No, instead they want a special investigation into the special investigation of the Russia Probe. And when that doesn’t go the way they hope, they’ll bring in someone to hold a special investigation into the special investigation that is investigating the special investigation into the Russia Probe. And round and

I’m sure Brett Kavanaugh agrees with that assumption. 

Basically. I was thinking, “Damn, if he was that nice, he would have offered to hold some of the bags while you get yourself situated.