
I personally am waiting with baited breath for our tourism numbers to come in. You just KNOW they’re tanking. People from that entire region don’t want to come here — whether their country is on the list or not. I met a co-worker from our Dubai office in San Francisco and he said multiple people warned him about

Wait, wait wait. People are willing to name their child after a fictional figurehead who leads a fictional group of people that rapes and ravages cities/villages, but won’t pronounce an ACTUAL name? *sigh*

What do you mean? He did us a great service. He brought Fredrick Douglas back to life. /s

So basically they found out something real big is going to down this weekend, most likely with the Russia investigation, and they needed a deflection story. We know this routine, Donnie!

I’m just wondering why he’s standing on it like a jackass really. That water looks rough. Seems very unnecessary.

I just had a talk with my cousin about this last weekend and he was telling us that they had JUST rolled out the Transgender policy. He and his wife are in the Air Force and they were part of the team tasked with the policy roll out at their base. They did all this training, held all these group discussions around

Honestly, it would have been perfect if a large wave/gust of wind hit while he was on camera standing on the sea wall like an idiot.

I’ve watched that part about the evacuations twice and I’m just baffled. Oh, there’s a sea wall? Well you’re definitely good then unless of course the sea walls fail, but that’s never happened before so no worries, right? /s

No words except, cunt sounds accurate in this instance.

Ha yeah. If just one person figures out the secret, we could get it aired on the news as a reverse psychology ear worm and then watch as the whole relationship implodes in real time.

Sounds like the Healthcare bill all over again. Doomed if they pass it, doomed if they don’t pass something.

Don’t forget coherent sentences!


Trump may be good for the Republicans’ agenda, but they haven’t been good for Trump’s and since Trump is the king of petty, it makes me wonder what stupid thing he will try next.

Oberyn and his paramour would like a word with you in that bed over there with their male and female whores.

Does it matter? Tormund has already confirmed the most important thing. Multiple times.

Okay Paul Ryan, what exactly does Trump have to say before you get bothered? Asking for some friends (millions of them).

Ugh dying, not drying.

This review is the best. I am drying! 

David Duke and crew to raise bail money for the cry baby from Vice News?