
Okay, but that’s not the same thing as Robert going out of his way to hire assassins to kill children. Or to have the mangled bodies of Aegon, Rhaenys and Elia put at his feet and saying, “Good riddance, dragon spawn.” Dany is not a child killer. She was extremely upset about that instance with the goat herder and she

Yes, to all of that. I still remember when Robert came to Winterfell and visiting the crypt was the first thing he wanted to do. Talk about awkward.

You actually make a VERY good point. This episode shows us why all of these people need to be careful for some reason or another. Jon hasn’t even SEEN Arya and Bran, and yet he’s rushing off to what could be his death.

“The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”

Agreed. I didn’t like Sansa, but as she grew, I also grew to love her and I think that’s how it was meant to be.

Sansa, on the other hand, can be a little too thoughtful and a little too in her own head, which is what makes her siblings somewhat cautious of her. They can obviously see that she’s working things out and playing the game, but without a little more context they’re sort of left to wonder whose side she is playing on.

Wait, what kids? I don’t remember Dany killing children. What scene are you talking about?

Exactly. If you really think about it, what Dany did was more merciful. Everyone is basically asking Dany to make the son watch his father die. Seems crueler in my opinion. The son didn’t want to kneel and she respected that decision. Dany let that man go out as himself, vs Tyrion who would have her lock him in a

Did he though? If Jon didn’t come back, would Olly have known that the other members of the Night Watch were going to kill him? Or was he just thinking about his own vengeance because Jon let in the Wildlings, the same people who killed his family. Me thinks Allister was whispering in his ear and the kid didn’t fully

Holy shit that would be terrifying.

I wonder if pardoning Jamie is how Dany will come back from this moment with the Tarlys. After all, she has to learn the full truth about her father, right? Tyrion and Varys might have told her some things, but I think this is still a conversation worth having. That it’s Jamie who reminds Dany of the line she cannot

Because of Nissa Nissa? Possibly, but I think the reason so many Lord of Light followers are confused is because Azor Ahai prophecy refers to more than one person. After all, Dany is the one who was reborn amongst salt and smoke under the red star. Leaving Jon to the the Prince that was Promised. Or vice versa.

It’s an interesting thought, but I don’t see it. Simply because I think Jaime is what she holds dear. She thinks it’s the throne, but coveting power and holding it dear are not the same thing.

Yes, but Joffrey was also a malicious shit who didn’t possess one nice bone in his body. Dany, thankfully does not have this issue so it’s possible that we can have someone good who is willing to be horrible when needed. I guess we call that pragmatic.

It’s totally Brienne because physical beauty is all Cersei cares about. So much so that it made her and her twin into truly ugly people with a thirst for power as she coveted not just her beautiful twin, but also the beautiful Prince Rhaegar. Cersei would NEVER define Brienne as a person of beauty which is why

Especially when you consider their form of medicine. Sam literally cured the greyscale by sanitizing the deadskin and removing it. That’s it. It actually wasn’t that complicated to comprehend, just very long and grueling.

I was just going to say, but will it come out weird and sickly? A dwarf works too and would give the best damn schadenfreude feels ever!!!

This is an interesting thought and would actually fall in line with the way this world works. People don’t necessarily get to be happy (those that do usually die), but they do their duty and figure out happiness afterwards. And Sansa, while she probably will NOT want to get married again, would be willing to do her

I still love Podrick. I just do! I need him and Tyrion to be reunited once again because best buddies need each other before they face death. Literally. 

I get the impression that Robert was the one who cried rape the most and Ned went along with it because anything else would have made him seem like a Targaryen supporter and people would have started to ask questions. Something that Ned wanted to avoid as he rushed baby Jon up north.