
When they were very young Dany’s handmaidens use to take care of them, but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t allow that now, especially Drogon. That was definitely, daddy vibes there.

I thought something similar. “Aren’t you too old? Are you going to die in childbirth?”

He was looking at her too when Jorah came. Like who is this man you’re hugging and you don’t smile at me like that?!

One of the undead.

Yeah, the killing while upsetting, didn’t bother me from a pragmatic standpoint, but damn that speech could have been given a little more tactfully.

Agreed. You could see Dany didn’t actually plan for the son, but she wasn’t going to go back on her word in front of so many people. She’s an outsider and a woman, she cannot appear weak. There’s also the fact that as a lord, Dickon has the means to rally a rebellion after witnessing his father’s murder. For all she

But Rob died for that exact reason because his men did not respect those decisions. They saw him as weak for killing his own while protecting the enemy. Robert Baratheon also had Ned and Jon Arryn by his side. He was not as calm as you’re making him out to be. He had help and Dany is not beyond looking for help, but


Eh, didn’t Robert kind of have to pardon Selmy? He was a Kingsguard, his vows literally prevent him from going against the family he was meant to protect. That’s like killing the Nightwatch because they don’t kneel. And remember, Robert had Ned and Jon Arryn. I highly doubt he handled everything as level heatedly as

You know, people have an issue with this, but at the end of the day, she was right. War is not pretty and requires horrible action. A proud man like Tarley would have posed a problem for her later. He flat out told her, “You’re not my queen so you cannot order me to take the black.” And he was right. She knew it and

But this took place before the children were dead. Elia was still alive. For all we know, Jon could have still been a mere thought. Wasn’t Lyanna gone for a whole year? And considering how bad the birth was, it’s possible that Jon wasn’t carried to term. 

I don’t know, they keep mentioning the Golden Company and hiring sell swords so I’m a little wary.

I really REALLY hope Arya kills that sniveling worm, but I agree with you. I’m thinking the sisters will have to ban together to make it happen. At least a little bit until Arya steals some dude’s face and decides to just get shit done.

I forgot about him! The people in Kings Landing honestly should not be surprised at all.

I kind of agree with this. It’s interesting, but you can tell harming his people isn’t as easy as he thought it would be. He looked just as upset about the Lannister army as Jamie.

That confused me too, but maybe Elia requested it? She was sick so maybe she didn’t have much time left and wanted to go home to Dorne. There’s so many possibilities out there. Or the show just doesn’t want to delve to deep in Targaryen history so it’s easier to say it was annulled and be done with it.

Yes, I thought they used the term, “Set aside.”

Probably hire someone to kill Dany during all the fighting like they did with Tyrion.

It doesn’t delegitimize his children, but it does legitimize Jon. Delegitimizing his own children is a separate matter, and I’m sure that was not the intention at all. As it’s been mentioned, Rhaegar was very invested in the three headed dragon and Jon would have been his third.

Except those groups DO advocate violence. It’s their entire purpose for existing. They don’t just speak, they actively terrorize.