Every time I hear this phrase I just want to say, “You said it wrong. It’s Fire and Blood dammit!” Then I tell myself I should calm down with the Game of Thrones because so not important right now.
Every time I hear this phrase I just want to say, “You said it wrong. It’s Fire and Blood dammit!” Then I tell myself I should calm down with the Game of Thrones because so not important right now.
I’m not sure she thought about germs as much back then, but she definitely carries sanitizer everywhere now. She tries to give it to me at restaurants all the time and I’m like, “NO! I don’t want my burger tasting like alcohol, there’s a bathroom here. You don’t use that when you have access to a sink!”
EZPass makes it easier, but they still have cameras taking pictures of cars and license plates at the toll booths so they can charge those who pass go without paying their $200. I’ve told her this as well.
Haha, maybe. When I was a child and the MTA switched from tokens to Metrocards, she refused to get one because she said the MTA was tracking her and used tokens until they sealed the slot shut on the turnstile. Even as a child, I knew she was weird because why would the MTA care about her when millions of people take…
I really wish he would stop spouting this, “Deregulations will allow for higher salaries” bullshit. No, it will not! Why do people believe this nonsense?! Just look at the damn airlines. They ramped up the fare amounts and started hitting us with all sorts of fees because of oil prices and then oil went down. Low and…
Trump: What do you mean they’re not immigrants?! They don’t even live in these United States!*Points to Midwest*
That’s why I said! He’s achieved nothing and ruined everything at the same time. How is this possible?!
Will he be in the office or on the golf course though? I think getting walked off his own property would be super embarrassing for him.
See, I keep telling my mom that refusing to get EZPass does NOT protect her from government tracking so spending $5 extra bucks to cross the GWB or the Lincoln Tunnel (per entry to NYC) is not worth that shit because HELLO! If they want you, they will find you. They could find out your damn bra size if necessary. Just…
I watched that today. Shit was scary. You swear that everything in the world was all flowers and rainbows out of this administration. The part that really got me was how they’re going to increase wages for people and everything will be great and affordable and poverty’s gonna go down and things will just be freakin…
Do you mean this?
I think they try to be stupidly optimistic and this time they were hoping Kelly took away his phone. And maybe he did, but then Trump remembered that he had an iPad and a laptop and locked himself a in bathroom in Jersey.
Trump: Working hard, as I sit here with my hands under the table looking at Fox News, not listening to a word my team is saying as they argue all around me. Things are going great folks. We have awesome team work!
OMG I know this place! I pass it on the way to my aunt’s house.
No, I gave you an example of a time a similar conversation ended positively, but as I said, it could have gone differently. The first two paragraphs were all the factors that go into a convo like this and why it may NOT work out.
Considering that important decisions can escalate quickly and get pretty damn personal, is it really that farfetched? A simple argument can turn into a festering sore when you keep circling back to it and that tension can leak into other parts of the relationship.
And if he does down the line, that’s his business. But let’s be real, that future baby could also be an oops.
Thank you. This comment is perfect.
Financial support and emotional/time support are two different things. Throwing money at kids is not as important as spending time with them and if he doesn’t feel he can juggle that and his job, then I get it. Especially if he’s afraid they’ll have a repeat of last time when their child was born a preemie. It’s…
Sorry that your family has gone to the dark side. I saw some idiot on Twitter who insisted that New Yorkers must love Trump. She was from Missouri and she foolishly posted this comment on a video of angry protestors as they prepared for the Cheeto’s visit to NYC. She just didn’t understand why they would go on such an…